Visit Seven

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Reason: Check up

Symptoms: None

Time in: 9:00 am September 29th, 2014

Shuhua thought about changing doctors after the last visit, mainly because Soojin - no matter how interesting,or whatever - was awful; but also because she was embarrassed by her outburst. She hadn't yelled like that since firing her first agent after he tried to shove his hand down her pants.

She looked down at her knees when Soojin walked in, only looking up when Soojin cleared her throat. And then suddenly words began to tumble out. "Listen, I'm sorry about blowing up at the last visit, I know that I don't know you - but, also, you don't know me. Still, it was wrong to - No, listen. Like I said, it was wrong of me. But you were being so insufferable for no reason, and I know you think I'm inferior to all those famous pianists, and I guess that's your right, or whatever - but I work hard too!"

"Can I--?"

"And it's really frustrating when people underestimate me because I am good at what I do, even if you look down on me. Even if people like you--"

"Shuhua!" Soojin finally shouted.

Shuhua jerked her head up, lips parted slightly.

"You've done most of the talking, so - uh - listen to me now," Soojin said, a faint red creeping up onto her cheeks. "I'm...I'm," she swallowed, "sorry." Soojin looked like she was having a stroke, her eyes wide, chest going up and down fast without rhythm. "I may have been wrong about you. But, it wasn't because you were an idol, even if I don't particularly enjoy that kind of music."

Shuhua furrowed her brows, leaning in a little to study Soojin's reactions. "Then why?" she asked.

"Celebrities have a habit of being entitled and annoying and awful. And maybe you are annoying, but I suppose you aren't--" deep sigh , "totally awful or anything." Soojin muttered the last part into her hand before slowly twirling an already curled strand of hair.

"Wow," Shuhua said, "That was a terrible apology."

"Says the girl who basically apologized while reiterating the things she was supposed to apologize for in the first place," Soojin said, though the smallest trace of a smile was beginning to appear on her lips.

Shuhua started to smile back. "Okay, maybe we're both difficult and bad at apologies." She then tilted her head to the side, placing a finger to her lips. "But you're definitely the worst."

"Beg to differ."

Sighing, Shuhua said, "You can't even realize when you're wrong, what a shame."

"Uh huh, sure, Shuhua."

The sound of her name in Soojin's mouth sent the tiniest chill down her arms, it was strange. There was no adoration in it, and it was almost - ironically - clinical, crisp. Shuhua kind of liked it.

"Anyways, since you don't hate me anymore-"

"Who says I don't?"

Shuhua rolled her eyes. "Are you going to start listening to super idol Shushu's music." Shuhua held out her sign, striking her idol pose the best she could while sitting down on an examination table.

Looking her up and down, Soojin gave a derisive snort. "First of all, gross. Second of all, don't push your luck."

"But Shuhua's so cute!"

She held the stethoscope bell up against Shuhua's chest. "You're not doing yourself any favors, now breathe in."

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