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Reason: Check up

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Time in: 8:00 am October 14th, 2014

Soojin was starting to realize that Yeh Shuhua was literally everywhere. It seemed strange that she never paid attention before. Coming into the office every day she couldn't not see Shuhua's face on one of the magazines laid out in the waiting room. Pictures of Shuhua walking, looking at her phone, buying coffee... vaping ( something that now Soojin only found mildly disgusting). And she always looked so...good.

Soojin saw the one outfit she was wearing, the overalls and bra strap number, on the cover of a tabloid magazine. And it didn't look skimpy, just cute. Shuhua was cute, and begrudgingly, Soojin could see the appeal.

Her music wasn't terrible either. Soojin had made the mistake of turning on a mainstream station out of curiosity, and Shuhua's newest single just happened to be playing. From there Soojin listened to snippets of other songs.

It almost became hard not to think of Shuhua, just because everywhere Soojin turned Shuhua was just there, her music or her face of some random merchandise. So actually seeing her felt weird. Like it was just registering that Shuhua actually was a celebrity and not just some bratty patient.

Soojin said nothing but a short greeting upon entering the room, giving the occasional glance to Shuhua.

Shuhua swung her legs back and forth, watching Soojin closely. She could feel it. It made her squirmy, like performing under pressure. And how was she supposed to really act after their last meeting? She should act normal? Right?

"How are you feeling?" Soojin asked, taking a quick look at the chart and seeing nothing of real significance.

Shuhua covered her mouth with her hand as she let out a loud yawn. "Tired. Have you listened to my music yet, Soojin?"

Soojin whipped her body around. Why did she say that? She brought her hand up to her hair, curled it at the ends, a brief distraction from Shuhua - not that she needed to be distracted or anything. "I--yes. It's kind of hard not to," Soojin said.

Shuhua's entire body lifted at that. " Well , did you like it?"

The cool metal of her stethoscope rested in Soojin's hands as she brought it over to Shuhua. "It wasn't bad. Breath in."

Shuhua sucked in a gulp of air, then exhaled it all while saying, "Wasn't bad? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you like, incapable of compliments or something?"

Soojin circled the bell to Shuhua's back, leaning over her. Like this, she couldn't see Shuhua's face, but they were pressed tighter together. "Maybe I was just trying to spare you from saying it was bad."

Shuhua huffed in, more out of indignance than to help Soojin hear the steady, but quick pace of her heart. "It is not bad. Shuhua doesn't do anything badly!"

"Except stay still?" Soojin asked, pulling away. She cocked her brow, watching Shuhua's face scrunch up in that strangely adorable - wait, not adorable - annoying way she does.

"An idol should never stay still for too long!"

"You're insufferable."

"Just admit you like my music, Soojin. Everyone does." She placed her hand on her chin, leaning in on it. If she tilted forward anymore Soojin thought she'd fall, which could be amusing, but also could delay her entire day.

"You're going to fall."

"Answer me."

Catchy, interesting composition - not that Soojin would say it out loud, but good vocals. "It was...okay," Soojin said.

"Okay?" she pouted, gave a small, " humph."

Child. "Okay."

"Okay," Shuhua said back, her lips twisting up this time. Soojin didn't like that look, it was devilish, a scheming look. Definitely scheming. But after that, Shuhua didn't bring up the music again, settling with tiresome small talk for the rest of the appointment.

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