Chapter 19

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"Hooray! You're awake!" Grim yelled in Leona's face. The grumpy lion clutched the side of his head. "We didn't know what we should do if you didn't wake up! Now hurry up and confess to all your crimes!" What started as a truly relieved moment ended with the true motives being revealed.

As Leona woke up, Yuu's eyes cleared from the haze. "You good now?" I asked them. I patted their back.

"Oh course, why do you ask?" Yuu seemed unaware that anything was strange. It left me confused.

Headmaster Crowley knelt down beside the bewildered lion prince, "Kingscholar, you went into Overblot after all your negative thoughts and feelings consumed you. Do you not remember everything?"

"I went berserk? Overblot? There's no way..." Leona's eyes were wide as he processed what he was told.

"For all the trouble he caused us, I still feel a bit of sympathy," Yuu looked at Leona with pity.

I took a deep breath in. I couldn't say I felt sympathy, but I wasn't as angry anymore. On the exhale I said, "So that was an Overblot."

"Enough of this! The tournament is about to start!" Grim was flustered. "If you don't confess right now, I won't be able to be in the tournament!"

"Huh?" Leona looked at the jumping monster.

"You're still on about that?" I groaned.

Jack filled Leona and Ruggie in, "These guys were trying to find the culprit because the headmaster promised them a spot in the tournament."

"All of this, just for that?!" Ruggie gasped.

"Trust me, it was not worth the trouble," I deadpanned.

"What do you mean? It isn't that simple!" Grim whined. "You were going around injuring people to cheat in the tournament!"

Ruggie pouted, "Th-that's...true but..."

"So, it is safe to say you are the ones behind all the injuries?" Crowley stood up.

Leona sighed, "Yeah."

Crowley crossed his arms. "Understood. Savanaclaw is disqualified from the tournament. You must also apologize to all the injured victims. Do I make myself clear?" The Savanaclasw members gave their acknowledgement to the punishment.

"Headmaster, please wait," Riddle stepped up. Behind him were Trey, Jamil, and the other victims.

"Headmaster," Trey stepped forward, "as victims of the incidents, we have a request. Can you please allow Savanaclaw to compete in the tournament?"

"Are you saying you will forgive them?" Crowley asked in surprise.

"No, we are not forgiving them," Jamil corrected with a scowl.

"How are we supposed to get revenge if you don't let them compete?" Trey gave a wicked smirk. "Magical Shift is a competitive sport is it not? I guess you can say, it's a sport where you are supposed to go against your opponent using magic on the field." The other victims voiced their wants to beat the members of Savanaclaw on the field.

"They are brutal," Yuu chuckled.

"I'd have to say I wouldn't be as tame if I were in their shoes," I admitted.

"I understand all of your concerns. However, I do not know if the Savanaclaw students are in any shape to play now," Crowley stated. "Especially Kingscholar. He is having a hard time even standing up."

"Hahaha! Don't underestimate me Crowley," Leona gave a hearty chuckle as he got to his feet. "I can destroy all these herbivores in my sleep."

"We'll see about that," Jamil smiled.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now