Chapter 75

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Yuu, Grim, and I all winced in the dark guest room. "Ugh...gah, I'm so tired...I can't move another step..." Grim whimpered.

"At this rate, the students are going to riot," Yuu sighed out as they rubbed their head.

"They practically are," I said. "We have to escape. I'm at my limit, Yuu." I felt tears start to prick my eyes. I had a roll toilet paper stuffed down my pants, my binder was getting uncomfy, and my organs were playing bumper cars with one another. One more thing and I was going to sob.

"I'm tired and I want to sleep, but I'm going to use this spoon to get us outta here!" Grim grabbed the hidden spoon with determination.

"Grim, we're not getting out of here with a spoon..." Yuu tried to talk sense into him.

"That's what you think! Just keep watch while I work!" Grim said as he started to dig.

I sighed and brought myself next to the hole. "I'll help. Prefect Yuu, look out for anyone coming okay."

"But...ugh, okay," Yuu put their ear to the door as I pulled up dirt with my hands. Grim scooped away with the spoon.

I don't know how long we dug in silence, but eventually, Grim dropped the spoon with an excited gasp. "Ah! Look! We made a hole in the floor!"

Yuu turned to look down amazed, "How did you do that?!"

"It's not that big though..." I said while I dusted off my hands. Dirt was caught under my nails and small cuts littered my palms and back of my hands. My stomach knotted and I held back a gag.

"As long as my head can fit, then my whole body should fit!" Grim proudly stated.

"I think you mean if your shoulders fit..." I murmured. I threw up a bit in my mouth as I doubled over in silent pain.

Crap, really? Right now?! Why~...

"That's animal logic for you," Yuu shrugged of Grim's statement. "Just...don't get stuck."

"Don't worry. I'll go first, then I'll pull you out!" Grim explained.

"Pull us through the hole?!" I gasped.

"As I go through, I'll make it big enough for the two of you!" Grim added. "Alright, the escape plan has begun!"

Grim wiggled his way into the hole by the door. His pitchfork tail flicked back and forth as he tossed more dirt out to deepen and widen our escape route. With a small grunt and a sandy shift, Grim was on the other side. Yuu went next. They shoved their coat through first and left their hat behind. Yuu was awkward in their crawl. Their arms had to bend precariously to let them get their head and shoulders through. With some kicking and Grim's tugging, Yuu made it to the other side. I pushed their hat and my coat through. I soon as I got down to lay on the floor, my joint screamed no. I grunted as I pushed my head and arms through. Yuu and Grim grabbed an arm each and pulled. The toilet got more saturated as my hips tried to squeeze under the door.

With a soft pop and our puffs of air, I was out of the prison rom. "Phew...we made it out," Grim sighed.

"Now I know what it's like to be squeezed like pasta..." Yuu panted.

"That sounded so stupid- Agh!" I tried to stand on my feet but was brought to my knees by a pain in my gut.

"Viv!" Yuu grabbed my shoulders. "Are you alright?"

They had to force me to stand, but I was still hunched over clutching my lower gut. "Let's just hurry and get back to the Ramshackle dorm."

"Don't make a sound," Grim instructed. As if on cue, a growl from his stomach rang through the quiet hall. "Fngya! Dang it! I was so hungry from digging for so long!"

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now