Chapter 30

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We were shown into a fancy looking office with a large safe behind a desk. It wasn't something you would see in a school dormitory.

"Now, don't just stand around. Please take a seat," Azul offered as he sat behind the desk. "What is it you would like to discuss with me?"

Yuu wasted no time, "Please let the students you are forcing to work go."

Azul let out a light chuckle," Haha! Well, this is so sudden! Saying that almost makes me sound like a villain. So, you want me to release all 225 students who have a contract with me?"

"225?!" Jack and I gasped.

"Jade and Floyd worked very hard to improve business this year. Thanks to them, we were able to obtain a lot more customers," Azul proudly shared.

"So, they were the ones spreading the rumors," I muttered.

"Now then, Yuu. You said you wanted me to set all those students free?" Azul continued.

"That is correct," they nodded.

"I'm not forcing them to work unfairly or anything. They agreed to the conditions when they signed the contract with me."

"That does not mean those conditions are humane," Yuu pointed out.

"A contract is not something you can just get rid of because you feel sympathetic for them," Azul sternly said. "In other words, you are already too late."

"Then, let's make a deal," Yuu proposed.

"Hey! What are you thinking?" Jack barked.

"Prefect Yuu, this man is a silver-tongued con," I tried to choose my words carefully. "His deals will never be in our favor."

"Those not involved with the negotiations, please be quiet," Azul shot us a look before returning to Yuu. "So~, you want to make a deal with me? How interesting."

"Ha~ Shrimpy sure is brave~," Floyd giggled.

"Hm...I understand you would like to deal with me, but we have a little problem, you see? If I remember correctly, you don't have any magic. Nor do you possess a beautiful voice, and you aren't the heir to a noble country. You are nothing more than a simple human," Azul laid it on thick. "If you wish for something big, you must surrender a collateral of equal value."

"A collateral?" Jack pondered.

"For example...handing over ownership of the Ramshackle dorm to me."

"And we see the scheme's goal at last," I hissed. A loud bang announced the entrance of a certain monster racoon-cat.

"I'm all on board for that!" Grim yelled.

"Grim! How long have you've been there?!" Yuu stood up in shock.

Grim started to moan, "I can't live like this anymore! My fur isn't made for washing dishes!"

Jade showed up behind him, "Grim, you are not going to get away with skipping out on work and eavesdropping on other's conversations. Floyd, kick him out."

"Yes sir~," Floyd cracked his shoulder.

"Now wait a second you two," Azul stopped them. "We now have all the members of Ramshackle dorm. Yuu, you should listen to your dormmates' advice."

Yuu looked at me. I crossed my arms to give my opinion, "I'd say no. Technically it isn't ours to give."

"You could always offer your unique magic as collateral, Abiba," Azul suggested. "Healing magic is quite rare, so even the feeble amount you have is valuable."

"How did you...oh," I answered my own question. I shot a sideways glare at Floyd. I was starting to regret playing that game with him. "Mr. Ashengrotto, I am not the one making this deal with you, nor do I agree to a contract that I cannot read. My parents taught me that. Yuu is my dorm leader, and I also consider them my family. Whatever they choose, regardless of my stance on the matter, I will support them."

"It was worth a try," Azul went back to pressuring Yuu. "So, Prefect Yuu, what do you say? Will you give me the Ramshackle dorm as a collateral for our deal?"

"Yuu, save me please," Grim whined.

"Yuu, don't do it! You know the contract isn't going to be in your favor!" Jack reiterated.

"I know that!" Yuu snapped. They took a deep breath and asked, "First, what are the conditions to this contract?"

"Hey!" Jack reached out but I held him back.

"They haven't made a decision yet. Just wait," I whispered to him.

"The conditions of the contract are:" Azul informed, "In three days, I want you to steal a specific picture from the Atlantica Memorial Museum located in the Coral Seas."

"So, you're asking us to steal a work of art?" Jack growled. Even Jade looked surprise to hear the conditions of the contract.

"It is not a piece I want you to steal. What I want is a commemorative photo of Prince Rielle's visit from 10 years ago," Azul elaborated. "The photo is displayed near the entrance. It is just a photo with no historical value. No one would be concerned if it were to suddenly disappear."

"So, to stop your indentured servitude, we must commit a crime. Sounds totally balanced to me," I sarcastically commented.

"It wouldn't be a challenge if I made you do something easy, now would it? It wouldn't be worth it for me," Azul glared me down. "I'm not some sort of charity after all."

Jade took over the explanation, "The Atlantica Memorial Museum is in the Coral Seas, which is a very famous tourist attraction. It's not like we are asking you to go down to the bottom of the ocean."

"Ah~, I remember going to that museum in elementary school for a field trip," Floyd reminisced.

"Hold on, isn't the Coral Seas Kingdom completely underwater?" Jack brought to light. I immediately tensed up and my heart rate started to pound. "We don't have gills or fins, so this is going to be impossible for us to do under these conditions."

"Yeah, I can't breathe underwater!" Grim protested.

Azul looked rather annoyed, "That is something for you to figure out. However, in this case..." Azul brought out a glowing green liquid kept in an intricate swirled shell glass bottle with a cork. "I will give you this potion, which will allow you to breathe underwater. I have somewhat of a heart, don't I? Fufufu."

Azul put the potion aside and leaned forward with his elbows on the desk. "Well, what will you choose? I'm a very busy person and I haven't got all day. So go ahead, make your choice." When Yuu sat quietly in thought Azul got snippy. "Now!"

"Fine. It's a deal!" Yuu put their arm out for a handshake.

"Very well then! Now, please sign right here," Azul looked absolutely thrilled when he handed them the white feather pen. Once he got Yuu's signature, he chuckled to himself. "Now that everything is in order, this completes our contract."

"I will not lose to you," Yuu declared.

"What have we gotten ourselves into..." I dragged a hand over my face.

"Jade. Floyd. Kindly escort our guests out," Azul ordered his men. As we left, he added, "I look forward to seeing you in three days."

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