Chapter 28

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We snuck around the halls the next day. "I can't believe we are skipping class..." Yuu said in a hushed tone.

"It's an order from the Headmaster, so I'm sure he will excuse us from classes," Jack assured.

"I can't believe Jack agreed to help us," I said.

"I don't like to lose. I just want to know why Azul is using his powers like this," Jack crossed his arms.

First period was music. We hung in the back of the room and watched Azul practice a tune wordlessly.

"He is surprisingly a pretty good singer," Jack's ears went back in shock. Second period was animal language. Azul accurately translated what Professor Trein's cat said. "Not only does he understand animal language, but he can also speak it well too!"

"There's an animal language class?!" I asked excitedly. We continued to follow him to his classes, even lunch. The only conclusion we could end on was that he was the epitome of an honor student.

During lunch, Ace, Deuce, and Grim came in looking haggard. "I'm so exhausted from being on Azul's beck and call," Grim sighed. All three sat at the table and told us their woes.

"Hmph, you get what you deserve," Jack showed them no sympathy.

"Seems like you guys can't handle manual labor," Yuu chuckled.

"Stop it you two. They've had a long day," I scolded. I munch on a baby carrot aimlessly and played with my food.

"I couldn't stop myself from teasing these dorks," Yuu sighed. "I will say, we have to do something fast."

"Oh my, what seems to be troubling you? You all have such long faces," a smooth voice spoke at the end of our table.

"Gak! Ackack!" I coughed as the carrot went down the wrong pipe.

What is with people just showing up out of nowhere?!

"Ahahah~. Well, if it isn't the school of anemones," a lazy voice gave a laugh. He walked over to where I sat between Jack and Yuu. "Leafy Sea Dragon is here too! Lucky~!"

Why me...Oh lord, why me...

"Yeah, we are troubled after being used by a certain someone," Ace pointedly said.

"Ah~ the anemone who violated the contract is saying something~," Floyd put his chin on top of my head. His hands rested on my shoulders. His voice changed into a threatening tone, "You are in no position to complain. Now shut up." His grip on me tightened. His words weren't directed at me, but I still made a point not to make a sound.

Grim hid behind Deuce, "Hee!! Am I gonna get strangled again?"

"Floyd, be careful," Jade nodded in my direction. Floyd clicked his tongue. He got off me and walked over to his brother. I rolled my shoulders as Yuu checked me over. "And I was not talking to the anemones. I was talking to the Ramshackle dorm leader, Yuu."

"Y-yes?!" Yuu flinched. They leaned back from the twins.

Floyd giggled, "Look at them, getting all scared, backing away like a little shrimp. Shrimpy~. You're so tiny, like a little shrimp."

Deuce muttered under his breath "I think everyone looks small compared to these two."

"They sound very threatening, don't they?" Ace sweat dropped.

"I remember you were spying with Riddle the other day, so we are already acquainted, but allow me to reintroduce myself," he had a very polite smile permanently on his face. "I am Jade Leech, and this is my twin brother, Floyd."

Floyd's cute persona returned, "I'm Floyd~. Nice to meet you, Little Shrimp."

"Now then, back to the main order of business," Jade got back on track. "Could it be that what is troubling you is related to these dumb anemones over there?"

"Excuse me?" although Yuu looked terrified, their words were far from it.

"Hard to believe you are actually concerned when you have that huge grin on your face," Jack pointed out.

"Who are you? Your hair is spikey, like a sea urchin," Floyd played with Jack's hair. A slight glare was in his droopy eyes.

Jack got huffy and swatted Floyd away, "I am not a sea urchin! I'm a wolf!"

Jade ignored his brother's antics and went up to Yuu, "If the source of your troubles is related to the anemones, you should take it up with Azul directly." He gave a pointy-toothed smile to them.

"And the true motives start to appear," I raised my eyebrows.

"Azul is a compassionate individual, just like the Sea Witch of the Great Seven. Surely, he will listen to your troubles."

"Yeah~, Azul can solve any problem. For example..." Floyd joined in with his brother's persuasions, "you can wish for him to get those anemones off your pals."

"Eh?!" everyone gasped.

"You have my attention," Yuu put down their utensils and pushed their food away.

"Of course, you must realize this won't be for free," Jade made the point to say.

"Of course. Compassion and charity are two different things, after all," I rested my chin on my hand. I gave Jade the same type of smile he gave us.

"You guys are just trying to get Yuu to sign a contract," Jack growled.

"You don't need to bare your fangs at us," Jade didn't even flinch. "Land creatures are so vicious, aren't they?"

"We are just trying to be kind and let you know," Floyd cooed. "Right, Jade?"

"Indeed, Floyd. We can't leave these poor, unfortunate souls in need." They both started to laugh with wicked grins.

Whelp, they sure got the creepy twin act going for them. Floyd is a whole lot easier to handle by himself, that's for sure. And what the crap was with that "land creatures" bit? Something is fishy about them...

"It you are interested, please visit the Mostro Lounge at nine o'clock tonight. We will have delicious tea waiting for you," Jade invited.

"We'll be waiting, Little Shrimp~," Floyd giggled. "Be sure to bring Leafy Sea Dragon too~."

"Does he mean you?" Yuu asked me when they were gone.

I nodded. I readjusted my braids and mumbled, "I don't trust them."

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now