Chapter 12 Santa Isn't Real But Werewolves Are

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"I'm dreaming," I blurted out after a few uncomfortable minutes of silence. "Either that or this is some awful prank show."

"Addison," Xavier started to say but I held up a hand to cut him off.

"I just need a minute to take this all in," I told him. "I mean up until a few minutes ago I thought the only thing supernatural was Santa."

"Santa isn't real," Grayson said.

"Do. . . do you believe in Santa?" Brad asked me absolutely shocked.

"My mom says I won't get any Christmas gifts if I don't," I told them rolling my eyes.

"But-" Grayson started to say.

"I love you but please shut up right now," Ivy cut him off.

"You're telling the truth?" I asked Xavier. "Like you pinky-swear that you are?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Xavier promised drawing an 'X' over his heart.

Just yesterday my only worry was my upcoming biology test and learning all my lines for my English play. I was thinking about what colleges I should apply to and now I had to worry about werewolves.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I'm the alpha of the pack which makes you the luna. You'd rule over the pack by my side and help me make decisions. I'd introduce you to everyone at the official ceremony and then I'd mark you," Xavier told me smiling the whole time.

"What if I don't. What if I don't want anything to do with this or you?" Xavier's smiled dropped at my words.

He swallowed hard before answering me. "I can't make you accept all of this, Addison. If you don't want to you don't have to, but," Xavier looked like he might cry. "A part of me would die, my wolf would become sick and distant and I would lose my rank as Alpha, over time I would grow weaker and weaker until I was just a shell of myself. You see, we werewolves need our mates to survive, once we meet it's all-consuming. Living without your mate is like living without a heart."

"We know this is a lot," Cecelia spoke up. She was leaning against the deck railing a few feet away from me and Xavier. "Believe me when I tell you that this isn't how we wanted to tell you."

"Yeah," Ivy said suddenly. "Xavier had this whole big date planned where he was going to tell you over a candle-lit dinner."

"He started planning it right after he met you," Audrey went on.

"Ok," I said. "I'll give it a chance - us a chance."

I barely had time to blin before Xavier had swept me off of my feet and was spinning me around in circles. He had a tight grip around my face and his face was smooshed into the crook of my neck, I could feel how big his smile was.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Xavier kept mumbling before finally setting back on my feet. "I promise I won't do anything to break your trust."

"You break her heart I break you," Grayson loudly announced walking over to us and giving me a small hug.

I just giggled at this and at Xavier's fake hurt expression, one by one everyone came up and gave me a hug. Cecelia whispered how excited she was to finally have a sister which only made me smile even harder.

"Alright, alright," Xavier said taking a few steps forwards and pushing his sister away from me before wrapping me back up in his arms.

"Um. . ."

"Mine," Xaver growled. I could feel it vibrating through my whole body.

"Good luck with him, Addison," I heard Ivy laugh at me.

"Yeah mates are possessive and protective enough, and since Xavier is an alpha he's going to be like 10 times worse," Audrey added.

"Lucky me," I replied sarcastically.

"Mine," Xavier repeated more possessively than before.

With a little help from Ivy and Cecelia, Audrey was too bust laughing, they were able to tug me out of Xavier's super grip much to his distress. They both told him that he was being crazy and he didn't need to be touching me 24/7. Again, much to Xavier's dislike. He agreed that the girls and I could go up to Cecelia's room to get changed into comfy clothes, but only if we came back down straight away. He claimed that they might try and put crazy stories about him in my head, which Cecelia actually said she would. She also told me that she had a family photo album upstairs with a bunch of embarrassing photos of Xavier growing up.

"I can't wait to show you the photos of him, Grayson, and Brad at the sixth-grade talent show where they thought it would be a great idea to dress up as girls and act out that Christmas scene in 'Mean Girls.'" Cecelia told me excitedly. She was basically pulling me up the stairs towards her room.

"Cecelia don't you dare!" I heard Xavier shout from the bottom of the stairs.

"What I can't hear you?!" Cecelia yelled back slamming her door shut behind us all.

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