Chapter 28 The Things We Hear

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. . . beep. . . beep. . . .beep. . . .

"She should be waking up soon, Alpha. The Gamma just gave her the same does that we use for werewolves, that's why she's been out for so long. But I assure you that she's fine," I heard a voice say.

Where am I?

My eyelids felt like there were dumbbells on top of them and were impossible to move or open.

"Thank you, Dr. Matthews," I heard Xavier say. His voice sounded deeper and more grumpy than usual.

I tried to wiggle my toes, but I couldn't feel them moving. Even my lips felt glued shut when I tried to pry them open and say something.

"Please wake up soon, Addie," Xavier whispered. "I love you and need you by my side."

I wanted to tell Xavier that I was right. That I was still by his side and that I wouldn't leave him.

"Hey," a soft voice said. "How's she doing?" Was that Cecelia?

"Dr. Matthews said that she's stable and should wake up soon," Xavier replied. "Brad gave her too much. And now we're not sure what hat the aftermath will be."

"She's strong," Cecilia said confidently. "She stuck around after we told her that werewolves were real, and didn't even flinch when you said that you were her soulmate. Hell!" She exclaimed. "Addie got kidnapped and put up a fight because she cares about you and cares about us. She's going to be an amazing Luna."

"When did you get so wise?"

"Addie has changed you for the better and I can't wait for her to wake up and yell at you for sitting by her side and not eating and taking care of yourself."

What?! Xavier hadn't been taking care of himself while I was here? Cecelia was right, I was going to yell at him. He was an alpha, he had a whole pack to look after while I was here.

"Not if you don't tell her and keep your mouth shut," I could almost hear Xavier rolling his eyes at his little sister.

"Yeah right," Cecelia snorted. "And have her yell at me instead? I'll pass."

There were a few beats of silence that passed before Cecelia asked if Brad could come in. She did that he felt extremely guilty about hurting his Luna and wanted to come and apologize to me and Xavier.

I couldn't hear Xavier's response, but I could hear the shuffle of Cecelia's footsteps leaving the room and the door opening and closing behind her before heavier footsteps entered the room.

"Hi, Alpha." Brad's voice sounded more deep and serious than usual. He was also being too formal, I mean, since when did Brad call Xavier 'alpha' instead of 'man' or 'bud'?

"You don't have to call me that, Brad," Xavier said. I could feel his grip tighten around my hand and squeeze it gently.

"I'm so sorry-" Brad began to say but Xavier cut him off before he could go on and say anything else.

"It's not your fault," Xavier said. "None of us thought about the fact that the dose in there was for one of one, and would have been way too strong for a human. Man, I didn't even think about it and I'm her mate. I'm the one that gave you that syringe and told you to use it."

"But I'm the Gamma," Bard cut in. "It's my responsibility to think about war and training tactics, and that means that I should have thought about the does that I was giving to our Luna."

"Brad," Xavier said firmly. "It's no one's fault. All that matters is that Addison's back home with us and that she's going to wake up and be ok."

"You're a great Alpha."

"And plus," Xavier chuckled slightly. "Once Addie wakes up and hears about what you did I'm pretty sure that you should be more scared of her. She's going to give you the mom lecture when she wakes up I bet."

"I didn't even think about that," Brad said horrified. "Is it too late to run away to Mexico and change my name?"

"I'm pretty sure that Audrey would kill you if you did that."

Wait! Andrew! What happened to Andrew? Right before Brad knocked me out I was trying to help Andrew. He's not the bad guy, he's the reason I'm alive and no one better has hurt him.

"I'll come down to the dungeon in a few hours after Dr. Matthews comes back and dose her checkup," Xavier said after a few seconds.

The dungeon? Who was he keeping down there? Was Andrew down there? We're they hurting him?

I needed to know. I needed to wake up and stop them. I tried my hardest to move. To wiggle my hands or my feet or anything at all. But nothing was working.

"I'll let the guards know," Brad answered. "Until then I'll tell them to just keep doing what they're doing with all the prisoners."

What we're the guards doing to the prisoners?

I could hear the door slam shut behind Brad.

"Please wake up, Addison."

I'm trying! I wanted to yell at him. I'm trying, Xavier. I really am.


hey guys!
shorter chapter, I know.
And I promise that the
next one will be longer
and you'll all find out
what happens with Andrew!
I have some exciting ideas ahead
for the rest of this book!

What would ya'll like
to see happen/
think will happen
in the rest of teh book?
I'd love to hear your thoughts

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