Chapter 54 Reunited And It Feels So Good

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             I had no idea how long the drive back to Midnight Creek was, but it was starting to feel like forever.

            "Are we there yet?" I asked Andrew for what felt like the thousands time since we got into this truck. My mind link still wasn't working so I had no way to let Xavier know that I was safe and on my way back.

            "Beleive me," Andrew signed out in annoyance. "I'm going as fast as I can right now so I can get away from you as soon as I can and all of your annoying questions."

            "Well, maybe I wouldn't be so annoying if this wasn't the most boring road trip ever," I huffed.

            I was way too antsy to nap, all I wanted to do was see Xavier and my mom and everyone and let them know that I was okay. And mostly, I wanted to tell Xavier that I wasn't scared anymore. That no matter what, I was going to come back to him each and every single time. Although I really hoped that there were no more crazy old men after me.

            "I just saved you from a crazy kidnapper who left you in his abandoned, burned-down house, and you're complaining about being bored?" Andrew asked flabbergastedted. "I don't even know what to say to you, Addison."

            "The number for a good therapist would be a great starting point," I shrugged in my seat. I still had that ratty blue blanket wrapped tightly around me, it was just so warm that I refused to get rid of it.

            "Well maybe you can ask your boyfriend since we're just a few minutes away from the packhouse," Andrew said casually.

           I shot straight up in my seat, finally taking in my surroundings. "What? But you just said--"

           "That I was going as fast as I could? Yes, yes I did." Andrew laughed. "And because I was going as fast as I could I was able to get here much faster."

             Ok, I finally understand why dogs want to stick their heads out the window so much, because right now I was practically pressed right up against the passenger window trying to cran my neck in every which way to see if I could spot Xavier or anyone.

            Stupid not rolling -down-window, I huffed.

            "Everyone should be at the packhouse," Andrew said reading my mind. "Mr. Davis told me everything about what happens if a high-up pack member goes missing, and step one is for almost everyone to gather at the packhouse to form a plan."

           "I don't know if that's weird or awesome right now."

            Sure enough, Andrew was right. As soon as we turned down the road to the pack-house I could see almost everyone in the pack. The closer we got to the house, the more people I saw. I still had the blanket pulled over my head so that no one could see me, but people saw Andrew. And that was all it took for even more people to crowd around us when we parked.

           "Stay here," Andrew said once we parked. "I'm going to go get Xavier for you, I'm not sure if anyone else knows about Mr. Thomas yet and I don't want them trying anything."

          Ok, that was a good point but I just wanted to see Xavier. "Fine."

          But before Andrew could even open his door, a fuming Xavier came storming out of the packhouse with Grayson and Brad at his sides. They all looked ready to kill and I could tell that their wolves were trying to break out and take control.

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