Chapter 42 Mr. Thomas' Threats

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Xavier had told me very little about the elders of the pack, saying that it was awfully rare for them to ever really show themselves if it wasn't an important pack event.

I had heard Mr. Thomas' name come up a few times before. Mostly when Xavier and his dad were discussing pack matters and I was thinking about all the homework that I still needed to do. Which, by the way, was a lot of homework, but apparently being luna didn't give me a free pass sadly.

I was very grateful for the cool breeze that was blowing in the trees at this moment. I felt like I was on fire underneath his view and like I was back to sweating through my dress.

"Xavier talks very highly of you, Mr. Thomas," I offered him a wide smile hoping that I would be able to butter him up.

"Xavier is a fine young man, and I'm sure that he will make a great alpha and leader of our pack. Just like his father, and his father before him," Mr. Thomas said in a flat tone.

"Yes," I agreed. "Mr. Black is a great man."

"The Balck family has been watching and ruling over the Midnight Moon Pack for many decades now, Miss. Avery. Their family name is widely respected in our community, packs all around the world, in every corner of the globe have heard of the mighty Black family," Mr. Thomas continued on in the same flat, deadly serious voice.

"It's a great honour to now be part of such a legacy," I said in a tight voice. I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but so far I didn't like it. "Any helpful advice or wise words you may have and can share with me, I would greatly appreciate them."

"You want my advice, Miss. Avery? On how you can help to better and grow the Midnight Moon Pack?" A small, thin-lipped smile began to creep up and take over his face.

"Yes, Sir. . ."

Mrs. Black had told me that the pack elders were beyond wise and highly respected. She mentioned that when she became luna a few of them gave her some advice that she still held close to her heart to this day. Cecelia also said the same thing, that the pack elders were like a sort of grandparents who always wanted the best for the pack and for you.


"Sorry?" I asked Mr. Thomas wide-eyed, not sure if I heard him right.

"I said leave," Mr. Thomas repeated. Nope, I heard him right the first time. "If you want to help the Midnight Moon pack grow stronger and better the best thing you can do is leave. Leave this pack and Xavier to find a better, stronger luna who isn't just some simple, weak human girl." Even though he didn't raise his voice at me, I still felt the furry and venom behind his words.

"Is this meant to be a test?" I asked him. "Some sort of pack trial to see if I really can be luna? Because if so, I think someone forgot to mention it to me.Maybe just with everything that happened it slipped Xavier's mind"

"You're weak, Miss. Avery," Mr. Thomas counties to talk, ignoring me completely. "You're a human that can't take care of herself, and puts this pack in danger because of it."

"I can assure you that I never wanted any of the pack to get hurt because of me," I said quickly. "If I could have stopped Mr. Dvais and his little gang of jerks from doing that I would!"

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