Chapter 38 After The After Party

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Xavier's POV


           I couldn't think about anything else but Addison. I mean, I even had a hard time trying to concentrate during the ceremony itself. All I was focused on was her. She looked beyond breathtaking and I felt my throat dry yo a little when I tried talking to her.

          Me! I mean, I'm an alpha. A leader. People fear me — but here I am with my foot in my mouth all because of my beautiful mate. The moon goddess really was on my side when she chose Addison to be mine. I can't picture what my life was like before her. And I don't want to.

I could feel my wolf trying to tear down the barrier in my mind and take full control. He wanted to mate and mark Addison so bad. And it didn't help that she was wearing such a tight dress that did absolutely nothing to hide her curves. Or the fact that her lips were painted that damn shade of red that I cousins stop looking at wanting to see wrapped around my—

"Man how much longer are they going to dance for?" Grayson's voice tore me away before I could finish my thoughts.

"Don't get me started," Brad groaned out. "At this rate, I'm going to have to carry Audrey back to our room because I know that her feet will hurt from those stupid heels that I already told her not to wear."

          "Yeah," I swallowed hard. "I'm starting to think that Addison said yes to the ceremony just so that she could dance afterwards."

           The girls were singing, well more like screaming along to the lyrics of the song playing.

          All of our parents had disappeared, Addison's mom was spending the night at the pack-house along with all the other parents as well. I was going to take Addison back to my house, not wanting any of the other wolves to sense what would go on.

          "Ahh!" Ivy yelled out as she tripped over her own feet and fell face-first onto the dance floor, taking Audrey and Addison down with her.

          "Here we go," Grayson rolled his eyes before rushing over to help his mate up.

It was only the six of us left, everyone else had cleared out long ago. But of course, our girls wanted to stay till the end.

The whole ceremony took place outside in the large field that we used for training. A bunch of the wolves in the pack helped to set everything up, there was a small wooden stage that everything took place on, and right in front of it was the dance floor that everyone in the pack stood at to watch. There were some tables and chairs scattered off to the sides for everyone also.

I was glad that Addison's dress had long sleeves so she wouldn't be so cold. Also because it meant that less of her was showing for everyone else to see.

          Brad and I were right behind him, helping to untangle the girls from each other.

          "Are you ok?" I asked Addison. "Where are you hurt?"

          "I'm fine," she groaned out. "Ivy was holding onto us and then she tried to do some dance move and ended up taking us down with her instead."

          "In my defence," Ivy piped up. "Audrey told me that the move was impossible to do without falling so I had to prove her wrong."

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