Chapter 29 Waking Up

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I'm not sure how long I was out before I finally managed to open my eyes. But by Xavier snoring away in the chair right next to my bed, I think it's safe to guess it's been a while.

I winced at the sudden bright lights and quickly brought my arm up to shield my eyes. I blinked a few times, adjusting to my surroundings and taking everything in.

I was clearly in a hospital by the stark white walls and bedsheets, not to mention the saline drip attached to my left arm. Xavier had his chair pushed right up against my bed, and was tightly gripping my free hand in his. He was wearing just a pair of grey sweatpants and had a few bandages wrapped around his upper torso and his arms.

I was lost in my own mind staring at the big, scary alpha who was sleeping peacefully beside me that I didn't even notice the doctor walking into my room with a clipboard in her hands.

"Luna!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You're awake."

This woke up Xavier. He sprang up from his chair, dropping my hand in the process, and stood in front of me in a protective stance.

"And so are you, Alpha," the doctor giggled.

Xavier quickly turned around and before I could even blink he had his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face buried in my neck. "Addison," he breathed out. "I was so worried."

"Hi to you too," I smiled hugging him back. "I would also love it if you let go of me so I don't pass out again from lack of oxygen from the way you're crushing me."

Xavier pulled back from me immediately and looked worried like he had really just hurt me.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" The doctor asked stepping closer to me and trying to suppress the smile trying to show on her face.

"A little sore," I told her honestly. "But not that bad."

"That's good," Dr. Matthews smiled at me.

"How long have I been out for?"

"About 5 days," Xavier mumbled dropping back into the chair beside me. "It was the worst 5 days of my life!"

"The Alpha here wouldn't leave your side at all." Dr. Matthews told me. "The Beta and Gamma both had to come up here and bring him food and his paperwork."

Xavier's eyes went wide and he opens his mouth to say something but just sat there like a fish out of water stuttering. "I, I mean — Addison that's not-"

"I may have been also but my ears were working, Xavier and believe me when I say that I heard just about everything, including Brad and Audrey coming up here and telling you that you need to eat and shower."

"I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear that," Xavier said embarrassed.

"Well, Luna," Dr. Matthews said scrubbing down something onto her clipboard before walking back towards the door and making her way out. "You look all good and if you continue to stay this way I believe that you inspiring be able to go home by tomorrow."

"My mom!" I shouted out. "I also almost forgot about her! Where is she? Does she know that I'm here? She must be so worried! Ohmygosh!" I exclaimed. I can't believe I didn't even think about her during all of this.

"It's ok, Addie," Xavier told me calmly. "She's ok. She knows where you are and what happened, she's at the packhouse right now. We brought her there after you went missing for her safety. She's doing fine and just wants you to be ok."

I could feel a weight being lifted off of my shoulders when Xavier told me that my mom was ok. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't, I mean she was all that I had right now. "And how's everyone in the pack? Is everyone ok?"

"Everyone is fine, just a few cuts and bruises. But nothing that's serious. Everyone is healing just fine, we've all just been worried about you," Xavier smiled softly at me. "We weren't sure how you were going to be when we got there. So I have Brad a syringe with a mild sedative and told him to find you and," his voice started to crack. "I didn't know what they did to you and I just wanted you home safe. But it was a werewolf dose and-"

"It's ok, Xavier," I cut off his rambling. "And I'm glad that everyone is ok, I wouldn't want anyone to have gotten hurt because of— Andrew!" I yelled out. "Where's Andrew?"

Xavier rolled his eyes. "He's in the dungeon where he belongs," he spat bitterly.

"No!" I yelled out. "He's innocent. He was helping me, he-"

"He's part of the reason you got kidnapped and almost died, Addison!" Xavier yelled back. "He's on their said. He's a bad guy."

"No, he's not! He was on our side! He only stayed so that he could protect me and make sure that I was ok. Mr. Davis tricked and lied to him about what he was going to do!"

"He had you in handcuffs!" He yelled out shooting up from his chair and throwing his arms in the air.

"Xavier!" I cried out. "You have to believe me! Please," I whimpered. "You know that I wouldn't lie. Please."

"End of discussion!" He said. "I'm not going to sit here and talk to you about who's the bad guy and who's not while you're lying there in a hospital bed!"

"And whose fault is that, Xavier? Andrew isn't the one that injected me who knows what? No!" I exclaimed. "That was your idea. Andrew helped me and made sure that I was ok."

"I'm sorry!" He practically cried out. "I never meant for you to get hurt."

"Well, it already happens." I insanely regret the words the second they were out of my mouth.

Xavier and I just stared at each other. I could see his eyes becoming glossy like he was about to cry, and I could feel my heartbeat speed up.

"Wait-" I tried to say but Xavier just shook his head at me and excused himself.

"I need to go fill out some paperwork quickly," he half mumbled before leaving the room and me utterly confused.


Hey guys!
Holy cow,
this story has gotten
some serious reads
the past few days and
I am so blown away by it.
I never thought that you
would all enjoy this story
as much as I enjoy writing it

Thank you everyone
for your votes
and comments.
I promise that I read
them all and fangirl
over every vote

The Alpha's Human MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora