Chapter 22: Comfort

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He let go of my wrist almost immediately and pulled me towards him with his arms holding me in his embrace. He's strong muscular arms gently squeezed my much smaller frame towards his chest as I was still trying to catch my breath.

"It's okay baby, just breathe. You'll be okay just listen to my heart beat and breath, in, and out" He comforted as one of his hands was gently caressing circles around my back and with his other hand that laid on the back of my head, pushing me gently towards his chest.

He was whispering sweet words in my ear that I tried focusing on to calm myself.

As my breathing was slowly getting back to normal I felt my shoulders drop as my body felt like it had lost all its energy to even stand.

"Good girl," Hunter whispered as he finally realized I'd calmed myself. As he slowly broke the hug he's expression softened but turned a bit saddened after seeing my face which left me confused.

He gently caressed his thumb on my cheek wiping away a tear I hadn't realized I'd shed.

"I-i'm sor-'' I try to apologise as I suddenly feel a tug that instantly pulls me toward another chest.

"Don't you dare apologise for something you had no control over" I hear Noah say with a concerned voice as he tightly hugged me.

"Are you okay? I think it's best if I'll take you home now" Noah says as he breaks the hug.

"Thanks for asking b-but i'm fine now" i say with a small voice trying not to make a big deal out of the situation. Julian comes closer as he puts one knee on the floor to get in eye level with me.

"I'm with Noah on this one, you just had a full out panic attack and it looked pretty severe too" he admits as i lose myself in thought.


"Mom, what's happening to him?" I ask my mom as Sebastian (my former twin) is shaking and breathing heavily. 

I don't know Aria, I have never seen him this way" She admits with a highly stressed voice not having a clue on what to do. We were on the plane back home from Greece where we were having a nice family vacation. My brother was acting a bit strange as we approached the plane asking me weird questions, I brushed them off not knowing where all of it was coming from. It was 04:43 AM in the morning which was tiring for my 10 year old brother.

Because of the sleepiness his mind was not at full strength which resulted in him getting cursed as I used to call it back in the day. As soon as he sat down in the plane he's eyes started going everywhere and he was unable to sit still.

He hyperventilated as he forgot how to breathe. My parents tried talking to him but it was like he didn't even hear what they were saying. After about 10 full minutes of his panic he just shut down as he laid sweating on the seats with his head on my mom's lap and his feet lying on my lap. I was scared, what had happened to my brother, he hadn't had any problems with flying before so why?

That was the last time we ever went on a family vacation together but little did I know that it was only the start of all the problems that came with that incident. 


"....Aria?....Aria?...Aria!?" I snapped out of the train of thought as Julian called my name.

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