Chapter 53: Saved

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My body hurts like never before and the hunger is unbearable. Most of all tough, my heart hurts. It hurts a lot. I can't hear what's going on.

First I'm laying on the floor with my now dead twin and the next thing I know is that Federico is back in the room again and kicking my dead brother's body while he lays on the floor. I stare at the scene with silent tears running down my face without stopping. This feels like a dream, no, a nightmare that I need to escape from.

I feel an unbearable amount of sadness and grief. I feel like I can't breathe, I can't think, I can't talk, I can't hear. Everything is silent and everything is moving so slowly.

I don't feel attached to my body anymore, I feel like I'm floating somewhere else. 'What's happening to me?'. Sandro's father then turns to me looking like he's done with my brother.

He grabs my brother's arm, dragging the body towards me. I throw up from the scene and feel the scent of blood hit my nose.

"You know what, I've held myself back for far too long and now I'll finally get to make you mine" He says as he towers over me. 'No no no this isn't' happening, if he takes this away from me then he'll break the last piece of strength that i have for survival'.

He grabs my shirt, ripping it. "I'll see you still have the body of a child" He says grinning like a maniac.

"NO STOP!" I scream with all my might and tears soaking my cheeks. Just as he's about to take my broken shirt off, a loud bang is heard from the outside of the building. He stops and quickly stands up, making his way towards the exit of the room.

I take the chance to sit up as I shiver from the cold air. I sit in the corner with my back pressed against the wall trying to hold my shirt together the best I can to cover my bruised body.

My body shivers and shakes from the fear, pain and chock of what was about to go down. I stare with tearful eyes at the open door, waiting and hoping that he doesn't return to finish what he started.

I hear gunshots and screams making me flinch. Sebastian's body still lies on the floor of the room like a ragdoll.

Minutes pass and I still sit staring at the door with my eyes wide open. Suddenly the man comes back but looks a lot taller and bigger than before. As I look closer I notice that it's not Federico but actually Xavier, my brother!

He looks around the dark room and stops at the body of my twin brother. He crouches down and looks to be checking Sebasrian's pulse. Though his head quickly snaps my way as I unconsciously let out a whimper.

'I can't believe he's actually here'. He runs towards me but stops as he sees the bruises on my face and wrists. He's eyes look so dark you could think he's possessed by a demon and his fists clench so hard you can hear them cracking.

He snaps out of his rage as he runs up to me crouching down. He carefully pulls me towards his embrace, engulfing me in the warmest hug I've ever felt.

As his arms wrap around me, I cry out from sadness, pain and the fear I've held in for so long. He pulls me up with him as he stands.

He carries me out as one of his hands support my body and the other runs soothing circles on my back while he whispers calming things into my ear like 'i'm here' and 'You're safe now'. I cry into his shoulder as he carries me through the dark halls of the building.

My arms are wrapped around his neck as I hold on for dear life. I've never felt so safe in my life before and being in Xaviers arms really feels different from the others.

As my body slightly relaxes in Xaviers arms, I feel the lack of energy get to me and my eyes almost immediately close.


Xavier POV

Walking with Aria in my arms, I think of all the ways I'll make that bastard Federico pay. When I noticed my sister in that dark room, I saw how broken and badly hurt she was.

Even touching a hair on her head would result in me making them badly regret it so hurting her this badly will not end well for Federico and his son.

Her cries finally stopped as her body went limp from the lack of energy. My heart is beating out of the rage burning like a wildfire inside my chest. I want to get my hands on that bastard so bad but right now my first priority is Aria.

My eyes almost water when I notice the bruises up close and the dry blood on her skin. Sebastian must have been beaten like that right before her eyes as his body was lying on the floor, badly beaten. 

No matter what happens, I will never let anyone put a finger on her again. I'll protect her, forever.


Enzo POV

I run around the abandoned building that Xavier suspected they'd be.

I point my gun at the guard standing a few meters ahead and shoot him before he notices anything.

I notice another guard but before I can shoot him, Zach attacks the guard first with his fists. He must be raging inside if he goes after the guard with his bare hands.

I mean, he has like 3 different guns on him but still attacks with his fists to get out some steam. He punches the guard outcold in just one hit but doesn't stop hitting him until I stop him.

"Save your energy for Federico and his bastard son instead" I say with a stern voice making Zach growl under his breath. "Don't worry about my energy, I got plenty for the things i'm going to do to those fuckers" Zach says with an evil smirk. 

A/N: I didn't know you guys liked Sebastian so much haha you're making me kinda feel bad now. BTW i'm updating later today again 

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