Chapter 52: The Worst Day Of My Life

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I lie on the cold floor trying to be still. Moving just an inch hurts like hell and every breath becomes more painful than the other. I slowly try reaching for my shirt to check on my ribs.

I pull up my shirt and almost throw up from the sight. My ribs have become black and blue with some yellow parts here and there.

It looks so bad but the pain is even worse. I notice my wrists are also bruised. I notice a huge bruise under and around my left eye.

"Please someone, help" I whisper under my breath with a broken voice as tears cloud my vision.


Xavier POV

"XAVIER!!" My eyes shoot open as I hear Noah scream my name. I jump out of bed as I grab my gun and run out, ready to shoot anyone who dares threaten my family.

"I see Noah looking around with teary eyes as panic is written all over his face.

"What's going on, what happened?!" Enzo asks, looking around for danger as my other brothers run towards us with weapons in their hands.

"Noah calm down, what happened?" I ask, trying to calm him down.

"It's Aria, she's gone!" He cries out as all my brothers gasp loudly. I quickly run to her room, finding a note on the window.

"You'll probably see your sister again, although I can't promise she'll be in one piece when you do" Is what the note says. I punch the mirror beside me, breaking it into pieces and making my clenched fist bleed.

I'm angry, no, I'm furious. I'm going to make that fucker pay for this. He'll pay with his life after I'm done torturing him, making him beg for mercy.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" Zach yells as he takes the note from me. 

"Noah, get on with tracking down the location of that fucker Federico Casella" I say knowing full well he was planning something.

"Sandro's father? i knew he was the one responsible" Julian says clenching his fist making them go white.

"Hunter and Julian, inform our men of the situation and send our strongest fighters to find that bastard" I order making them immediately get to work.

"Enzo and Zach, you're coming with me, i think i have an idea on where they can be" I say making both of them look at me surprised. Enzo looks like he's trying to control his anger but barely managing while Zach looks like he's going to kill anyone who's going to come in his way.

I feel the veins in my arms popping as my fists clench hard. My jaw is set and if I don't find my litle sister soon I'll get even worse.


Aria POV

"Get up!" Sandro's father yells as he kicks my back.

"Please, stop this I beg you" I beg as I struggle to get my words out. My throat feels so dry from the lack of food and water and my head is killing me.

"Darling you're not getting out of here alive" He simply says as he crouches down to my lying body.

"If you keep lying on the floor so helplessly i won't be able to control myself anymore" He says under his breath as he runs his finger on my cheek making me shiver from his touch. He harshly grabs my hair making me face him.

"Are you giving up already? i haven't even started yet" He said with the most disgusting grin i've ever seen. He doesn't even look human.

"Well if you won't give me a reaction then i'll get it from someone else" He says as he gets up to leave making me let go of a shaking breath i was holding. I stiffen as I hear him return but this time I hear something dragging on the floor. I turn my head towards him and freeze at the sight. 

"Se-sebastian?" I stutter as I see my brother laying beaten up on the floor with blood all over his trached clothes.

"NO PLEASE NO" I cry as I try crawling on the floor to reach my twin.

"Sebastian!" I cry out as I put my hand on his tear stained cheek. He looks to be in so much pain and it breaks my heart.

'He didn't deserve this, it's all my fault. I dragged him into all this, I dragged mom and dad into this too. If they wouldn't have met me then they would be living a happy life right now without me'.

My tears run down making a puddle on the dirty floor as I stare at my brother's face.

"That boy just had to show up while i was taking you and tried to fight me. I couldn't help bringing him with me so I'll just leave you two to catch up a bit, yeah?" Federico (Sandro's father) says casually like there aren't two kids lying beaten on the floor in front of him. 

"Sebastian please wake up, you can't die here, I need you" I plead as I stroke his bloodied hair. 

"Aria" He struggles with pain evident in his voice.

"I'm here Sebastian i'm here" I reassure him as his eyes slightly open revealing his tears. "I'm sorry" He cries.

"Why are you apologizing? this is all my fault" I say trying to comfort him.

"No it's not, don't ever think that. I wish i had been a stronger brother for you, i wish i could protect you from all the evil in this world but i'm just too weak" He struggles on his breath as he cies.

"Do you remember the time I hated myself? the time i didn't think i deserved to even be alive? No one believed in me but you. When I told you I didn't think i'll make it till i'm 20 you told me that it was too bad because you had been planning to live until you turned 100 years old.

I didn't understand at first but you promised me that if i would ever hurt myself or even die that you would die with me" He cried as I remembered the moment he talked about.

"Listen carefully to me, you need to live even if i don't, you have to" He says as his eyes slowly start closing.

"No please no don't say that" I struggle to breathe as I feel my heart break.

"I need you please don't leave me alone" I beg but it's too late, he's....gone.

A/N: Sorry guys but i had to :)

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