Chapter 23: Not A Big Deal

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I looked at my hand he was holding in front of me as it was shaking.

"Aria, look at your hand. You are not fine" Julian said in a concerned voice. I withdraw my hand as I place it behind me.

"I said i'm fine alright, my hand is just shaking because my body hasn't realized it's not in any kind of danger yet" I say with a small voice looking down. My brothers look at me wondering how in the world I would know the reason for it's shaking.

"This isn't the first time you've had it is it?" Hunter asked, already knowing the answer, which he actually didn't.

"No th-this was m-my fi-first t-time" I stutter, surprised as I was not expecting it to happen to me. Now even more confused they look at me with wonder in the eyes.

"I'm sorry but i'll have to get to class now" I say as i turn around and walk away with my head still glued to the floor. I felt scared, hurt and vulnerable after that panic attack. 'Now i finally know how you felt that day at least' i told myself as i walked to my locker.

"Hey where did you go? you never came back to us" I heard Sam ask confused as he approached my locker. "Sorry Sam, I got caught up with something," I said with a smile.

"Oh it's ok, but my class is starting now, I'll see you later, here's my number btw" Sam said as he handed me his number on a piece of paper as he ran through the hall to his class.

As I went to my next lesson which was historia I sat while looking out the window the whole time not being in any mood to listen.



As Aria turned around to walk away I reached my hand towards her to stop her as my twin stopped me.

"You're just gonna let her go to class after what happened?" I asked angrily, feeling my rage in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm with Julian on this one. I know we told her we wanted to drive her home but maybe she doesn't want to think about it right now and just try to forget and move on" Noah interrupted as i was about to grab the collar of my brother Julians shirt.

"Forget about it?! Are you an idiot?! She just had a full on panic attack which was also the first time for her" I fought back.

"She doesn't even know how to handle it and is probably scared out of her mind right now but won't admit it" I knew I was right and they knew it too.

I felt immediate regret of screaming at her like that after seeing the panic in her eyes making my heart drop. I realised how much her pain affected me and my brothers as we all just wanted to hold her and let her know that she is safe in our arms.

"You're right, we shouldn't have let her go but she's already gone to her next lesson" Noah agreed.

"Let's just wait outside her classroom and take her home before her next lesson begins" Julian said as we nod in agreement.



"...ia? ...Aria!?" my head shot up at the voice calling me.

"M-miss. rogers?" I ask as she sighs.

"Common child the lesion is over now, go head outside for some fresh air, you seem to need it" She says as she turns around to leave the classroom but stops at the door.

"M-m-m-mr Alvarez '' She says, almost yelling with a surprised but nervous voice. Drawing my attention directly to the door

"What can i do for you?" She asks, fidgeting with her hands with the same nervousness.

"Why isn't our sister in class? we clearly saw everyone else get out of the room without a trace of her" I heard Noah say with a stern voice. He was outside the classroom and didn't see me sitting there.

It was like all my brothers used totally different tones when speaking with other people compared to when they talked to each other or me. My teacher seemed to get even more nervous from their gazes as her fidgeting increased.

"Oh s-so yo-your h-here to g-get you sister? She's In the classroom, she seemed to b-be lost in tho-thought but will be o-out in a m-minute" She stuttered like crazy. 'Do I sound like that too when I stutter? yikes' i think.

"I see, then we'll wait for her here" I here, Noah say he's voice relaxes. He must have given miss. Rogers another deadly glare because she started sprinting out of the room after.

I took a deep breath before stepping toward the exit. 

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