Chapter 58: Finally back

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2 weeks later.....

"Are you gonna sleep forever litle girl?" My annoying brother Julian asks as he enters my room (without knocking) and wakes me up from my peaceful sleep.

"Julian, why do you never let me sleep?" I whine into my pillow

"It's sunday and breakfast is ready, c'mon everybody's waiting" He says as he pulls my covers off.

"I want pancakes,'' I say as I start drooling on my pillow while slowly falling asleep again.

"Yeah well Hunter's gonna eat them all if you don't hurry.... also, Sebastian's coming over today-" He says and i immediately get up from my sleeping position and sprint out of my room. 

"Hey, aren't you gonna get ready first?" Julian yells after me but I'm too far away to stop now. I feel the excitement building up as I think about finally seeing my brother again. It's only been two weeks but it feels like ages ago since the incident happened.

I run in my p.j's to the dining room with my pink shorts and my white oversized shirt with a bunny on it. A big smile makes its way on my face as I run happily through the halls. A yelp escapes my mouth as I accidentally run into Enzo. He grabs my arm before I can fall and chuckles at my excitement. "Woah calm down there princes or you'll fall" He says while laughing.

"Enzo!" I yell happily as I hug him.

"Jeez shorty stop screaming like that" Zach says from the dining table where everybody is sitting except Julian and Enzo. I give him an angry look for calling me shorty but he just smirks in return, not taking me seriously at all.

"Come sit beside me little girl" Hunter says while stuffing his face.

"What's with all the stupid nicknames?!" I yell angrily at him as I stomp towards him.

"What are you going to do about it, little girl?" He says mockingly.

"I'll make you regret it" I say, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh no i'm so scared please don't hurt me" He says with terrible acting. Before I can respond, Noah, the angel, stands up for me.

"Just leave her alone dude or i'll make you regret it" Noah threatens with a teasing smile.

"Just shut up alright, stop being such a simp" He teases back.

"You're just an asshole," Noah defends.

"You're just a-"

"Enough" Xavier says, cutting Hunter off.

"Let's just for once eat in peace, yeah?" Xavier says with a stern voice, sounding tired of their constant bickering. After breakfast I was just about to walk to my room when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Noah says as he makes his way towards the door. I feel the tears fast approaching as I see my twin brother on the other side of the door. He has some bruises on his cheekbones, around his eyes and at the side of his forehead. His hair is messy and his face turns into a big smile as his eyes land on me. I practically jump in his arms with so much happiness that he stumbles back.

"I didn't know you would arrive so soon" I say with tons of excitement and happiness.

"Yeah well i was getting tired of the hospital and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible" He answers with just as much happiness. I feel two strong hands grab me from behind and move me away from my twin.

"He's still hurt, you should be more careful" Zach says, glaring at me. 'Something tells me he didn't do that for the sake of Sebastian'. I return the glare to Zach as I ignore him and step closer to my twin.

"I'm so happy you're gonna stay here with me from now on" I say, giving my twin a big smile. His smile disappears as he looks down at his feet leaving me confused.

"Sorry princes but he's not gonna be living here" Enzo says, not looking sorry.

"WHAT WHY?!" I ask angrily. All my brothers stand behind me looking like they agree with Enzo. 

"We already told you before that he would only live here as long as he was in danger but now that Sandro and his father are dea- are gone, he's safe and won't need to be protected" Julian explains like it's totally obvious.

"But he's my brother and our parents are dead, we have to stick together!" I yell trying my best to not lose control of my rising anger.

"Watch your tone litle girl" Hunter threatened as I feel my face getting heated from my anger. 

"Xavier please" I plead with less of my anger showing this time. He stares into my eyes with his cold ones making me nervous.

"It's already settled and you knew from the start that he would only stay with us temporarily" Xavier says without emotion. I clench my fists as I feel the hope of my twin living a happy life here with me fade away.

"You know, i thought you had changed" I started while looking down, not being able to look him in the eyes.

"BUT YOU'RE STILL THE COLD AND HEARTLESS BROTHER I MET THE FIRST DAY I ARRIVED" I yell angrily as i take Sebastian's hand and drag him up towards my rooms.

"I HATE YOU" I yell with my back turned against him while I run with Sebastian up the stairs. I hear some yelling in the background but can't make out what my brothers are saying.

I close my door shut, making sure to do it hard enough for my brothers to hear, lock my door and then I immediately sit down on the floor with my back against the door. Seabastian sits down beside me soon after as I try to calm myself.

"Aria" He starts calmly. I turn my head to the side where I see him looking down at the floor.

"Do you remember when we were younger and I was going away on a trip alone for the first time?" He continues to say as he looks up to my eyes.

"You mean when you told me that it wouldn't matter how far away you would be, because we would always be connected?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He gives me a sad smile as he nods.

"But that's not the same! i knew you would come back but now-"

"Do you really think you would never see me again?" He asks, cutting me off. I look down again as I shrug.

"Listen, we're not gonna be kids forever and when we both turn 18, you can live wherever you want with whomever you want" He continues as I'm not feeling convinced.

"I don't think they'll let me go just because I turn 18" I say with a chuckle.

"Well if they don't then... then... i'll just have to talk to them" He says confidently while standing up and flexing his biceps jokingly making me laugh.

"Besides, i'll go back to living with our cousin so you'll know where you can find me" He says with a smile.

"C'mon now, your brothers said i could stay the whole day but have to leave later at night" He says while reaching out his hand for me to take. I grab his hand as he helps me to stand up. We hug each other and I feel his words have calmed me down.

"Okay, so what kind of fun stuff should we do before I leave?" I said excitedly, breaking the hug.

"Well before we can do anything, I still have to clean up the mess I made," I say with a sigh.

"You mean about you screaming 'I HATE YOU' to your eldest brother?" He asks jokingly, failing to sound like me when repeating my hateful comment towards my eldest brother.

I nod towards him, making him pat my shoulder encouragingly. 'This is not gonna be fun'

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter. What kind of stuff should Aria and Sebastian do for the day before he leaves, you guys have any requests for scenes?

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