School problems

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(Wednesday 3 weeks later) (Lucy's POV)
After The Monkeys first gig they had a few more they did and had more scheduled to do getting payed for them obviously they didn't do it for the money they did it because they can express themselves on stage and they enjoy it

I told a few of my friends about the baby not all of them only the once I close with but not like Courtney or the boys
I told Stacy Courtney's mum she was over the moon and letted polly stay over at mine sometime when Alex was staying over to get some practice

Alex was hesitant at first but i showed him what to do and he quickly got the hang of it
Alex would sing to polly when she cried at night making her fall asleep again which made my heart warm

Alex came to walk me to school with Courtney our usual routine I was in my usual school uniform which I hated
"How's mEh two favourite people"Alex smiled once I got outside walking to school
"The baby's fine I'm not"I groaned
"Yeh Wha'"Alex worried making me chuckle
"Just my body is doing crazy things"i chuckled
"Good crazeh or bad"he smirked I knew exactly what he meant
"You prev"I joked hitting his arm with the back of my hand

I'm only ten weeks pregnant now and I'm bloated no one else notices only me my skin is a mess breaking out is spots and my hair kept getting greasy all the time no matter how much I wash it and don't get me started on the pain in my breast that part Alex definitely noticed they were getting bigger obviously for the milk

"Weh gunna try look for houses the daeh"Alex asked we've been looking for houses but there was none in our price range we were on a low budget for obvious reasons
"Yeah I want to be rear everyone tho"I replied as we neared the school

The second we walked into the school grounds everyone's heads turned to us and started to whispering
"Wha' they all lookin at"Alex asked confused
"I don't even know"I mumbled we decided to brush it off

That was until I was called into the headmasters office'what's going on' I asked myself Alex walked with me to the office and waited outside until I was finished speaking to mr cluchy

"Lucy take a seat"mr cluchy said I obeyed taking a seat opposite from him
"Is everything okay sir" i nervously asked my leg started to bounce with nerves
"There's been a rumour going about"mr cluchy told waving his hand in somewhat form of amusement
"And what is this rumour"I asked trying to sound somewhat professional
"That you Lucy are with child"he amused my eyes went wide my mouth went wide open
"By the expression on your face Lucy the rumours are correct"mr cluchy smirked

"Yes sir the rumours are true"i mumbled god why do people open their mouths yeah I knew everyone is going to find out either way but still it's my business no one else's
"And also their says it was Alexander David Turner that impregnated you"mr cluchy mentioned
"Yes"i sighed I wanted to be out here as fast as possible I wanted to be with Alex I felt Shame wash over me with the way mr cluchy said his words like I'm some dumb girl

"How far on are you"mr cluchy asked that was another question that started to bug me 'how far on are you' there's only so many times you can answer that without rolling your eyes
"10 weeks now I'm due near enough end of may"i mumbled mr cluchy only nodded
"And I assume your keeping it"he said I only nodded
"But what about your education"he asked I rolled my eyes sighing
"The baby's more important than that I'm not getting rid of it just for my education anyway I'm supposed to be leaving at summer"I replied this year was my last
"Well that's settled then after the Christmas holidays you'll be finished for good"he said I got up from my chair and made my way to the door

"Oh Lucy"mr cluchy called I turned facing him
"Congratulations and good luck on the baby I was you and Alexander the best"mr cluchy smiled I gave him a smile back and exited the room To find Alex sitting on one of the chairs outside the room a stray tear that fell down my cheek turned into loads
"Hey hey what's wrong"Alex softly asked hugging me as I sobbed into his chest
"Just everyone knows and I don't hormones"I sobbed
"Who the fooks tellin people"Alex whispered I only shrugged
"Come on we're in English"Alex smiled

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now