A new year

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(December 31 2006)
"Rhiannon come here look"i chuckled we stood outside out front garden at midnight yes I know Far too late for a three year old but she wouldn't go to bed any other wise

Her little face lit up in joy Alex picking her up sitting on his shoulder
As the fireworks filled the city
"Wow"was all she said watching in awe the colourful bangs in the sky
Alex's eyes focused on his daughters face Smiling
That there was the highlight on my year

"Happy new year"we all shouted jamie,Matt nick and Andy Courtney a few more of our friends with us celebrating new year's
A beer in one hand the other around Alex's waist enjoying this moment with my little family

"Right princess bed time"Alex chuckled to Rhiannon who was yawning rubbing her little brown eyes
"Can I sleep wif you and mummeh"she asked Alex now placing her on his hip her head rested on his shoulder
"Of course come on"Alex smiled "come on Mummeh"Rhiannon mumbled I giggled following them

"Daddeh can you tell me a story" rhiannon asked while Alex tucked her under the covers
"Of course pumpkin wha' storeh d'yeh want Daddeh teh tell" alex smiled
"About a princess"she yawned I stood by the door watching the two people I love most

"Once apon a time there were a princess called Rhiannon penny Turner"Alex started Rhiannon started to giggle sleepily
"That's me"she giggled Alex's smile got wider
"Yeh it is"he chuckled

Alex told his story about the princess meeting a special horse and how they became best friends
Soon enough Rhiannon was out like a light
Everyone left while Alex told his story

"Another amazing year wif mEh favourite people"Alex mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist his head resting on my shoulder placing a kiss below my jaw from the bathroom sink

I wiped off the rest of my makeup smiling at the image in the mirror
"Your so cheesy"I giggled looking at him in the mirror
"Yeh luv it realleh"he mumbled into my neck Smiling

After I finished removing my makeup me and alex made our way to bed with Alex's arms still wrapped around my waist
"Alex let go I need to put my pyjamas on" I quietly giggled my head tilted to look at him
"No" he groaned holding me tighter our backs facing the bed

"Alex"i squealed falling on the bed on top of alex giggling
"I'm no' lettin yeh go babeh"he mumbled nuzzling his head in my neck
"Please"i giggled alex shook his head
"No" he said chuckling
"Pretty please I promise I'll be all yours"i said
"Onleh on one condition"he smirked
"And that Is" I asked rolling my eyes
"Yeh wear meh shirt teh sleep" he chuckled
"Fine"i chuckled Alex let go of me and I got ready for bed

I wore one of Alex's lacoste shirts with my underwear my hair all messy from the style I had it earlier
"Move over then"i giggled lifting the covers up slipping under them
Alex wore his joggers to bed laying on his side facing my side of the bed

The second my body laid on the bed alex immediately wrapped his arm around my body pulling me closer to him
I laid facing him my head nuzzled into his chest one of my legs in between his own legs my arm over him cuddling him

I placed a kiss on his chest my eyes closed
I felt Alex's chest raising with my touch a hum leaving his lips
"Can I get a proper kiss"he mumbled sleepily his eyes closed his lips slightly
I lifted my head placing a soft kiss on his chapped lips
After a few seconds I pulled away
"One more" he mumbled I let a soft chuckle leave my lips
"Someone's needy tonight" I teased
Giving him another kiss this time longer followed by a few little pecks

"Better"i asked Alex hummed nodding his head
I nuzzled my head back into Alex's chest falling asleep in the arms of the man I love more than words could even say

(4th January 2007)

Alex's birthday is in 2 days I still have to get him his gifts
Alex is going to his mum and dad's today so I thought this would be the perfect chance to get him something

"I'll beh back about 7:30 I'll phone yeh"alex said throwing his jacket on at the door
"OK me and Rhiannon's probably going to have a girly day" I chuckled Rhiannon was in her room playing with her toys
"Alright babeh luv yeh"he smiled placing a kiss on my lips

After we pulled away I couldn't help but smile
"Rhiannon come say bye bye to daddy" I called
I heard little stomps making their way to the front door
"Goodbye daddeh have fun" Ri giggled her arms extending as alex picked her up smiling
Alex placed a few kisses on her rosesy cheeks

Rhiannon wrapped her little arms around her dad's neck placing a kiss on his lips
"Love you daddeh"she mumbled as alex placed her back on her feet
"I luv yeh more princess"alex smiled before leaving the house

"Come on Rhiannon let's got ready"i said taking her little hand in mine
"Where we going mummeh"she asked
Her little brown eyes looking up at me "well daddy's birthday is in two days so we're going to get him surprises"i stated entering my daughters room

I dressed Rhiannon in a pair of pink joggers with a matching jumper since it was cold
I tied her hair up in bunches the ends of her hair curling her little pink jacket zipped up with her little white trainers
"Right now mummy needs to get ready" I sighed

I changed into my black leggings with a grey knitted jumper pairing them with my ugg boots my mum got me for Christmas and my black puffy jacket
"Come on let's go" I said taking Rhiannons had

We got a taxi to the shopping centre Rhiannon looked out the window watching everything outside the wind blowing the trees she was always fascinated with the outdoors

After I payed the driver both me and Rhiannon thanking him we entered the shopping centre
"What should we get daddeh"Rhiannon asked
"I don't know well look about and see what's there" I chuckled placing Rhiannon in the child's seat of the trolley

I pushed with trolley looking through the aisles I picked up a lynxs set and an aftershave I knew alex has been wanting
I walked through the jewellery aisle and saw a gold chain

"Look Ri what about that chain for daddy" I asked pointing to the chain
"Yeah"she beamed
I asked the lady if I could by the chain
She took it out from under the glass counter
Ringing it up I payed the lady thanking her

"One more gift and that's us" I said entering

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now