why'd you only call me when your high

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(2 weeks later Lucy's pov)

As much as it's killing me I can't cry I couldn't let rhiannon see me like this she's too young for that zoe came over almost everyday she was amazing I couldn't thank her enough comforting me

As for alex well a day after I came home he turned up at the door begging me to talk to him I just ignored it

"Lucy please open the door I know your in I'm begging you" alex sobbed though the letterbox

I sat by the wall tears streaming down my face how did he have the right to cry after everything why does he have to come here I know he stays here aswell but i don't want to see his face not now anyway

He would try to call or come to the door still begging but drunk out his mind I ended up blocking his number matt told me he's staying with miles on his sofa tonight I expected to have a quiet night since Rhiannon was staying with amy and zoe tonight just so I can have time to myself and think about everything

I decided to go for a bath with a bottle of wine and a glass just to relax take time for me my phone was turned off not wanting to be bothered another idea of zoes so that's what I did

Sinking into the hot water filled with bubbles taking a sip of my wine now onto my 3rd glass starting to feel a buzz
'I miss him' I thought I really did the house didn't feel the same without him the memories of the three of us happy not a care as alex always said it was the three of us against the world now that's over

No point crying about what's happened I just need to stay positive for Rhiannon's sake she's my priority my only one now

(Alexs pov)
"Other one mate" I said to the barman barely able to stand still "Al I don't think you should have more" Jamie said I shrugged "I'll only have one more then I'm off" I told him Taking the tequila shot letting the liquid burn my throat 'what the fuck' I thought as fucking fire came out my mouth I shook my head excusing myself to the bathroom splashing water on my face I looked into the mirror and my reflection went all weird the fuck

'I need to get home' my drunkin state betting my goodbyes to the lads "see you later mate" nick smiled I waved Stumbling out the pub pulling my phone out my leather jacket I had to change my number since lucy blocked my old number i tried to call her but went straight to voicemail "Lucy its me please pick up" I left her a message then a text

Why no answer? X
Please Lucy pick up

I left multiple missed calls whilst walking to Lucy's house everywhere I looked I saw her I just want her back my Lucy my world

Soon enough I made it to Lucy's house knocking the door waiting impatiently barley able to stand up straight

(Lucy's pov)
Not again not tonight off all nights not this night my front door knocking obvious with who was at the other side of it none other than alex

"Fuck this" I mumbled to myself getting up to open the door swiftly opening it to reveal none other than the man himself "what alex what do you want" I sighed looking at the floor not even having the willpower to even look at him in the eyes how could I

"I want to talk please lucy" he pleaded I finally looked in at him he looked terrible his eyes puffy and red ready for crying his drunkin state making him unable to stand still "alex no there's nothing to talk about" I sighed rubbing my temple

"Please Lucy" he said with a heavy sigh I let him in 'your so stupid for doing this' I thought he walked right in sitting himself on the sofa "look I'm so lost without you" alex began to cry my heart broke even more I hated seeing him like this

"Alex you know what you done and you can't even tell the truth what do you expect I never wanted this" i said taking a seat on the single chair pulling my knee socks up more "Your wearing my old lacoste" he smirked drunkinly "alex never mind that you wanted to talk" I hissed bitterly

"I just can't live without you lucy you and Rhiannon are my whole life and a lot more" i really couldn't deal with this not tonight anyway "look alex get some sleep you can sleep on the sofa" I stated Alex looked at me with his chocolatey orbs "no can I sleep in our bed please I won't try anything I just want to be with you" he begged another heavy sigh left my lips

"Alex no your on the couch end of" I went to get him a blanket and pillow some painkillers for his headache in the morning along with a glass of water "I love you lucy" he mumbled drifting off to sleep

(The next morning)
I tried to sneak out the house not waking alex up I left him a not saying to let himself out and leave the key but just my luck these old boots klacking off the ground woke him up

"Lucy where you going" he groaned sitting up but quickly laying down probably with the headache "out" I bluntly said opening the door "I'd advise you to do the same" I added slamming the door shut

Alex isn't coming here in states like that anymore he needs to get his act together before he loses absolutely everything especially rhiannon I'm not having her seeing her father drunk and high not at all it's not fair on her she's hurting because me and alex aren't together anymore nevermind seeing him out his head

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt