Mardy bum

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^the nursery^
(One month later)

"Alex no"I laughed Shielding myself from a smirking Alex holding a paintbrush with pale yellow paint
"Yeh were askin for it"he chuckled taking another step toward me
"I swear I'm leaving if you paint my face"I warned still giggling
Alex lowered his brush and opened his arms for a hug which I accepted

Wrapping my arms around across his body burying my face into his chest Alex rested his head ontop of mine his arms also wrapped around me
"I luv yeh"he mumbled Making me smile
"I love you too WHAT THE FUCK"I gasped feeling cold wetness at the back of my neck
And Alex laughing his ass off
"Well yeh were askin for it"he laughed I stood there gobsmacked running my fingers along the back of my neck to see pale yellow paint
"You fucking arsehole"I chuckled

Me and Alex were painting the baby's room we finished everywhere else and got settled into our new house I'm currently 18weeks pregnant starting my second trimester and my bump was a bit big but not too big
My feet and hands are a little swollen and I've been having backaches but apart from that everything is great

The part my mum told me about was the cravings I've fallen in love with peaches I eat around 3 a day I had to have them
I've also always craved donner kababs with cheesy chips
But that's only the good part of my cravings I didn't know I would crave weird food combinations like pickles and whipped cream or quavers with peanut butter I know something you wouldn't eat at all but it's what the baby wants
Alex noticed the weird craving and at first he was weird out by them but I sometimes told him to try them with me
That was a 50/50 situation he would end up liking some of them or end up hovering over the toilet Spewing

"Babeh I'm going out wif the lads tonight is tha' alright"Alex asked finishing off the last little part of the wall
"Of course when will you be back"I asked
"Around most likleh 10 at the latest we're onleh 'avin a few pints teh celebrate the record deal"Alex smiled
Arctic Monkeys have been signed to domino recording company I'm so proud of Alex and the boys finally following their dreams I honestly felt like a proud mum

"Okay phone me when your on your way home so I know to unlock the door"i chuckled as he was about to exit the door
"Can I get a kiss"he sweetly smiled he always asks for a kiss before one of us leaves the house
I stood on my tiptoes since I was only 5,3 pecking Alex's soft lips a few times before he pulled away kneeling down and pecking my bump
"I'll see yeh two later"he chuckled and exited the house

'What should I do know'I thought walking around our new house I wished I could go with Alex and the boys but I couldn't so I had to make use of my time

It's currently 6:30pm Alex had been gone for a half an hour and I was already missing him I decided to watch a movie in our bedroom i stole one of Alex's jumpers that was a little small on me due to my bump
I settled on watching a box set of 'all mothers do have them' since it was one of my favourites frank Spencer would alwaysmake me laugh

After watching about 4 episodes I fell asleep the bed felt bare without Alex holding me close to him I just miss him and my pregnancy hormones were not helping

I woke up after my nap feeling hungry and a bit moody I always feel moody when I wake up but this pregnancy took my moodiness to a whole new level
Explained why I have the nickname mardy bum

I checked the clock to see it was past midnight I checked my phone to see no calls or texts from Alex
'Maybe he's staying out longer'I thought
And headed to the kitchen to make food
A hand on my bump walking bare footed my hair in a extremely messy bun with Alex's jumper and a pair of shorts that are now too little for me but I didn't care

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now