it feels like i'm greeting you with a goodbye

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(Thursday 2008) (Alex's pov)

These past couple of days flew by but I made sure to make the most of it with Lucy and Rhiannon
We spent every second of the last couple of days together in the mornings we would make breakfast before getting rhiannon ready for school

Then when rhiannon is in school that's when me and Lucy spend some time together just the two of us We would go on little dates to a cafe or spend it in the house before we went to pick rhiannon up

When rhiannons out from school we go home get rhiannon changed out of her uniform then we would do fun things like go to the cinema or the park, soft play then maybe go to McDonald's or if its raining we would go buy arts and craft things then spend the rest of the day making things

It's now 6:15am I woken up 15 minutes ago my duffle bag and suitcase by the front door I was due to leave at 9:30am plenty of time to say goodbye to Lucy and Rhiannon it honestly feels like I'm greeting them with a goodbye

I sat on the kitchen stool coffee in my hands trying my absolute hardest not to fall asleep on the counter
I took a sip of the bitter caffeine drink by a sip it was more like chugging it down

Lifting myself off the stool making my way to the fridge planning on making the girls breakfast
I took out eggs and milk out decided that French toast or eggy bread will do for breakfast

With the egg coated bread sizzling in the pan I popped the kettle on knowing Lucy would want a cuppa when she wakes up

I plated up the French toast and on que I heard little feet patter out a room
I turned my head to see rhiannon wide awake with her signature smile on her face

"Morning daddeh" she beamed hugging my legs
"Good mornin monkeh" I smiled hugging her back
"Can yeh do summat for daddeh" I asked pouring some milk into Lucy's tea
"Yep" she smiled

"Can yeh go wake mummeh up tell her breakfast is readeh" i asked rhiannon nodded and off she went

(Lucy's pov)

Laying in bed on my stomach my arm under my head my legs sprawled out the bed in a deep blissful slumber

A heavy weight on my back slightly waking me up
"Al not now" I mumbled thinking it was alex my mind still asleep
"Mummeh" I heard I opened my eyes feeling the weight on my back disappearing a dip beside me I slowly opened one eye seeing my five year old smiling at me

"Yes sweetpea" I mumbled closing my eye again
"Daddeh told me to wake you up" rhiannon beamed bouncing on the bed
"Tell daddy mummy will be up in 5 minutes" I mumbled back nuzzling my head into my pillow

"He made breakfast" rhiannon informed I opened my eyes again peeling myself off the bed
"Come on" I chuckled watching rhiannon excitedly run out the room into the kitchen I assume

Dragging my feet along the floor to the kitchen greeted by my boyfriend and our daughter happily eating French toast

"I made yeh a cuppa babeh" alex mumbled chewing on his toast
"Thank you babe" I chuckled sitting on a stool tucking into my breakfast

"What time do you leave" I asked sipping my tea afterwards
"9:30" alex replied I gave him a smile I'm really going to miss him
"Daddeh" rhiannons voice broke the silence that filled the room

"Yes monkeh" alex chuckled
"When will you be back?" She asked I gave them both a sympathetic smile
This is going to be a hard couple of months especially for rhiannon she's never been away from one of us for a long time

"Onleh for about 6 months" alex stated giving rhiannon a little reassuring smile
"But I don't want you to go" she mumbled me and alex looked at each other with the same expression heartbreak for our 5 year old

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now