phone calls and bubbles

540 10 1

A.N. this is just a bonus scene if you would like to call it

(2 months later)

"Kaite could you keep an eye on rhiannon till I go for a bath" I asked in exhaustion my eyes heavy begging for sleep my body screaming for a wash

"Of course take your time I was wondering anyway if you want she could stay with me and Jamie tonight" kaite replied I must admit I'll say yes not meaning anything bad but I need a night's break rhiannons been driving me up the wall

I know it's because she misses alex but she's but acting up misbehaving throwing the biggest tantrums you've ever seen not sleeping at night I could use a night to myself

"If its alright with you I don't want to be a pest" I said kaite just waved me off
"Pfft nonsense we'd love to have Ri staying"
I nodded thanking her and went to pack her bag for the night

"Lucy" kaite called from the living room
"Yeah?" I called back
"Could you pack 2 clean pair of clothes if its alright we'll keep her for the weekend" she asked
"Yeah of course" I said packing a fresh pair of clothes

Making my way back to the living room I peeked my head into the bathroom making sure the water was fine for my bath

"Thank you kaite" I smiled handing kaite rhiannons bag
"It's alright we know you need a break" she chuckled softly
"Tell me about it" I giggled

"Now rhiannon you behave for auntie kaite and uncle cookie" I instructed prying she'll do as told
"Yes mummeh" she beamed giving me a hug then quickly ran to get her jacket and shoes

"Has Alex phoned today" kaite asked I nodded my head then began to speak
"Yeah he phoned this morning said he'll phone at half 6 before the show"

"It's 6 the now I'll better get going I'll take Ri to McDonald's Jamie wants me to bring one home anyway" kaite chuckled throwing rhiannon bag over her shoulder

"Rhiannon are you ready" i called heard a "Yeah" from her bedroom followed by her little footsteps
"Give mummy a kiss and cuddle" kaite smiled rhiannon gave me a kiss and Cuddle goodbye holding onto her favourite Teddy bear taking kaites hand with her free one

"Bye bye mummeh" rhiannon waved I said goodbye back with "I love yous"
Giving kaite a kiss on the cheek goodbye watching them leave from the front door

Once they were out of sight I closed the door making my way to the bath
I left my phone there knowing alex would call shortly

After stripping out of my clothes I climbed into the bath sighed in delight as the warm water relaxs my body
I stayed like that for a while with my eyes closed my head tilted back enjoying a bit of me time


My phone started to sing its ringtone
Alex's name appeared on the little screen I pressed the answer button then put my to my ear

(Lucy) (alex)

"Hello alex" I said laying back relaxing again
"Hello luv how are yeh"
"Alright tired and missing you" I sighed
"I miss yeh teh babeh how's rhiannon" he asked I didn't tell him that rhiannons been playing up because I didn't want him to worry about us

"Yeah she's great kaite asked to watch her for the weekend and Rhiannon wanted to go so I said yes so now I'm in a bath enjoying myself" I chuckled hearing alex chuckled aswell through the other side

"That's good matts been tellin meh tha' shehs been playin up"i let out a sigh and hummed a yes
"Yeah I didn't want to tell you because I know you'll end up worrying and probably end up coming home" I said

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now