Chapter 51

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"What the actual fuck, Uncle?!" Levi screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Still annoying as ever," the Alpha clicked his tongue in annoyance and tied the gag on the raven's mouth.

"What?! No-" Levi choked and bite the cloth on his mouth.

"Hey," the female Alpha on the couch looked back at them and glared at the male Alpha. "Kenny, be careful! That's my favorite nephew!"

"Shut it, Kuchel! You planned this out, remember?" Kenny spit. When the gag was secured on Levi, as well as the rope around his hands, Kenny closed the door on the back of the carriage.

Levi looked up at his Aunt with pleading eyes. Kenny and Kuchel were his relatives, both were twins just like him and Mikasa. It certainly runs in their genes, his grandmother also had a twin. The little reunion was nice but he didn't understand why they kidnapped him.

"Hm!" He tried desperately to communicate with his Uncle.

The tall Alpha sat next to him, lit his cigar, and gave a long drag. Levi grimaced at the revolting scent of the tobacco and his jerk of an Uncle puffed the smoke of him.

"Congrats, brat!" Kenny grinned.

"Oh, yes! Congrats, baby Levy! I'm so happy for you!" Kuchel shouted from the couch.

Levi glared at his uncle when the old Alpha draped his arm over his shoulder. The two of them didn't change a bit. Just as the raven Omega remembered, his uncle was still wearing his dusty old boots and his favorite cowboy hat. And He still reeked of alcohol and tobacco.

While his Aunt Kuchel, she's beautiful as ever with her simple white dress. But Levi knew that Kuchel was not your everyday-gentle-and-sweet Aunt. She's more dangerous and deadly than Kenny. From the stories he heard from his grandmother, Kuchel stabbed a man on his liver when she was a teenager. Levi thought it was just a joke or something but no, it was real.

Kenny worked with guns and bullets while Kuchel was leaning more on swords and blades. They're the perfect duo, said his grandmother.

And yes. His Aunt and Uncle were not good people. Levi's mother never spoke of her two siblings and as much as possible she tried her best for Levi and Mikasa to never meet them.

Kenny and Kuchel embraced the world of bounty hunting. Of course, Levi didn't know about their "job" until recently, perhaps a week before his mother set him up to marry a random Alpha. He saw his relatives in the newspaper and he was able to read about them before his mother snatched the newspaper and burned it. She reasoned that she didn't want Levi's pure soul to get tainted by her sibling's poor choice of job.

The carriage bounced on the rough, rocky road and with the speed of the horses, Levi could have hit the ceiling if he didn't have his Uncle's arm on his shoulder and grounding him on where he sat.

"That brunette, on the cafe. He's your Alpha, eh?" Kenny's grinned grew wider.

"Hm!" Levi glared back at him. He knew that Eren had a very nice bounty on his head and if his Uncle would try to use him as the bait just to get his husband, Levi won't allow it. Never. He knew he couldn't win against his Uncle and Aunt with little training and experience he had but he's willing to risk it for Eren.

"Do you have any idea who you mated with Levy?" Kuchel looked back at him with a small smile.

Levi gritted his teeth. All he wanted to do now was to kick Kenny in the shin, punch Kuchel in the face, jump out of the carriage and go back to his mate.

"I don't think Levi has an idea," Kenny assumed. He looked down at Levi with pity in his eyes.

"I think so, that brunette Alpha looks different now," Kuchel nodded. "But I never forgot a scent."

"Right," Kenny looked at the empty space and took another drag on his cigar.

Levi blinked at them. Did his relatives assume that he had no idea that he mated with Rogue? Deciding to play along, the raven acted like he had no idea and utterly confused by whining at his Uncle.

"Shut up! Let's just say that that guy is not an ordinary cowboy!" Kenny snapped at him.

"If he follows us, big sister Lynna is sooo screwed!" Kuchel laughed.

"Mhom?!" Levi gasped.

"Oh, yeah. That's right," Kenny patted his back. "We're just taking you back to your mother, she wants to see you. She said she missed you!"

Levi rolled his eyes at his Uncle's blunt lie. His mother missed him? Bullshit. She wanted something that's what because there's no way she'll hire her little siblings to fetch him.

"Rogue will be on rampage!" Kuchel laughed.

"Oi! Kuchel!" Kenny scolded his twin.

"Whoops sorry!" Kuchel cringed and shot her twin an apologetic smile. "My tongue slipped."

"Hm?" Levi played along, acting that he had no idea what's going on.

"I guess, keeping it from Levi won't do good," Kenny sighed.

"Ohh? We're telling him now?" Kuchel cooed.

"He mated with that guy," Kenny rolled his eyes on his sister. "Okay, listen up, brat. That guy in the cafe? Your Alpha, right?"

Levi nodded, knitting his eyebrows in confusion. Apart from acting that he had no idea that he about his husband as Rogue, he was also confused and curious as to why his Uncle suddenly changed his mind on telling him.

"He's Rogue. The infamous outlaw of the west."

Levi wanted to act surprised but he couldn't bring his own face to do so, he badly wanted to roll his eyes on his Uncle but doing it would lead to suspicion. He wanted to prove that he was innocent about his Alpha's identity and maybe his relatives would tell him their plan. If they do, Levi would double-cross them and hopefully, he'll be able to save his Alpha.

"Rogue must have really got you with his sweet words eh? But it's okay Levy!" Kuchel cheered. Levi wanted to praise himself for his actions. It seems like his relatives think that he was shocked to know about his husband's true identity. But what Kuchel said after made got him puzzled. "Your mother will help you a lot!"

"Hmmm?!" Levi turned to his uncle for an explanation. Help? What help?

"Lynna found this guy who could break a bond. There, no need to worry about getting hooked up to an outlaw, right?" Kenny snickered and patted his back with a bit of force that Levi almost fall forward.

"Hm?!" Levi screamed on the gag. What the hell was going on?! Why was his mother got a guy that could break a bond?! Where did she found the guy?! And why would she go to her siblings for help?!

Levi thrust in frustration but his Uncle's arm draped heavily on his shoulders to stop him. "Hm!"

"Aw, it's okay Levi!" Kuchel cooed. "You'll be home in no time and the operation will be quick, I think..."

"Hmph?!" Levi gasped. Operation?!

"Will you please shut it and stop squirming like a rat?!" Kenny yelled at him. He reached for something from his back pocket and retrieve a small bottle. He opened it and hovered it closed to the raven's Omega nose. "I don't want to do this but you're being a brat. You never change, do you, midget?"

The cool scent of lavender and something sweet hits his nose. He could feel the coolness traveled through his nose and up to his head. The cooling sensation continued and all the noise with his complaining Uncle, the creaking of the carriage, and the neighs of the horses were toning down. His vision started to blur and his eyelids grew heavy.

And that's all that Levi could remember.

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