Chapter 21

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Levi forced his eyes open, ever since Eren took him home and forced him to rest, his body felt heavy and it never fails to pull him back to sleep every time he tried to open his eyes.

He felt someone put something cool on his forehead and it was enough to pull a content sigh in his lips. Blinking his eyes to adjust at the light, Levi was surprised to see his sister hovering over him than his mate.

"Mikasa?" Levi cough, his throat ripped the moment he tried to get the words out.

"How are you feeling?" Mikasa asked as she scooted closer.

"I..." Levi gave it a thought, eyes searching for his Alpha in the cottage. He feels like shit, his head hurts, his body felt heavy and a single breeze can make him tremble with cold.

"Where-" he coughed, "Where is Eren?"

He tried to get up off the bed and search for his mate but Mikasa gently put him back to bed. "Calm down, he's in town."

"Why?" Levi almost sounded hurt. He is sick and he can't believe that his Alpha left him alone in the cottage.

"He sews some clothes for Erwin, but don't worry, he will be back soon," Mikasa reassured. "He asked me to come here and look after you while he's gone."

Levi felt his heart race at the thought of Eren all alone with Erwin Smith. All the 'what if' suddenly washed through him, making him panic. "No, I have to go to him."

"Levi, you are sick!" Mikasa exclaimed and force him down again.

"No, you don't understand! I have to be with him!" Levi begged. He doesn't want Eren to be caught. He was the one who set this up, this is all his fault. If he was with Eren, maybe he can make up stories to save his mate's identity.

"It's okay, calm down. Eren can handle it. And I think he'll be returning now."

"But..." Levi breathes, feeling his head dizzy.

"Listen to me, don't worry. Eren will be here soon. If he finds out you got out of bed, it will only make him worry more," Mikasa huffed, crossing her arms on her chest. She can't help but smile when she played back the events when Eren suddenly knocking on her door. "He came to me, on the verge of tears, asking me to look after you."

"But- you don't understand-"

"Levi, you don't have to worry about anything. Eren can handle simple sewing." Mikasa shrugged but Levi can't have that. What happens if Erwin Smith recognized the person who cut off his left arm is right in front of him?


It was market day when Erwin saw him. He guts never failed him, he knew Rogue in every strand of hair, facial features, and body structure. That person hunted him even in his dreams, beating him up and making his life difficult with his missing arm.

He was sure that he was Rogue that is why he tried to investigate him further and finally put him behind bars to where he belongs, where he will pay everything he has done!

This person is NOT Rogue!

Erwin stared at the person in front of him as he sews. His eyes were glassy from unshed tears, his brows furrow with worry and he pricks his finger with the needle ten times!
"Ummm... Mr. Yeager? Are you alright?" Erwin forced a smile.

Eren looked up at him, then tears started to flow.

"What?! Umm... Are you sure you're okay?!" Erwin panicked when the brunet pricks his finger again.

"M-My mate is sick," Eren voiced trembled as continued back to work but the tears didn't stop.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that. But I met your mate, I can tell he's a strong Omega. He can recover quickly," Erwin reassured. Yes, at first thought, his gut told him that this person is Rogue but he neglects that Eren is mated and looked like a sad puppy without his mate. Erwin can see his ears pressed against his head and his tail laying limp.

"Yeah, he is a strong Omega. He'll kick me when he finds out that I'm crying like a child!" Eren laughs and wipes his face. "I'm sorry about the drama... I just... feel like I failed because I wasn't able to take care of him..."

Erwin's eye twitched as he witnessed how a puppy can easily switch to sad from depressed. He doesn't have a mate which is why he is not on what to say but he can feel the other's feelings. Quite literally because Eren's heavy depressed scent filled the inn's dining area.

"No, I believed you didn't fail him." Erwin started. "You are here for work, looking for money to buy medicine, I think you're doing the best that you can to help him.

"Thanks, it's just... depressing to feel your mate that is sick in the bond. It made me feel sick too."

Erwin sighs. There is no way this person is Rogue. He is sure of it now.

Rogue is a cruel and ruthless outlaw, he kills to get his way and he never hesitates to do so. This person is the exact opposite. He is caring, loving towards his mate and a hardworking husband.

Erwin salutes him. He knew it is hard to leave your sick mate behind while you tried to find the money. He regretted assuming things beforehand.


Eren got home around 2 in the afternoon. He finished the clothes for the kid even though he got pricked a lot but he manages to get the job done before sunset. He was getting off of Titan when he heard a commotion inside the cottage.

"Levi! Where are you going?! Go back to bed!"

"No! Eren needs me! I can't leave him!"

"You're being ridiculous!"

The door opened, revealing a flush Levi looking back at his sister.

"You are not stopping me!" He shouted back and bumped at Eren's front. He blinked several times, noticing it was his mate in front of him. "Eren!"

"Levi, you shouldn't be getting out of bed!" Eren exclaimed as he placed the back of his hand on his mate's forehead. His fever lowered down a bit but the raven is still sick.

"You're okay," The raven sighs, leaning his weight on Eren.

Eren scooped his sick mate in his arms and returned him in bed. Instantly, Levi falls back asleep now that he is sure that Eren made home safely.

"He's a handful, are you sure you wanted to live with him forever?" Mikasa huffed, annoyed by his brother's stubbornness.

Eren just laughs, "I don't think that I'll ever change my mind."

"Well, that's good to hear," Mikasa smiled.

"I'm sorry if he caused you trouble."

"He did," Mikasa rolled her eyes. "He thinks the whole world will end if he is not next to you. I think his fever making him talk nonsense." She shrugged and proceed to make tea.

"Thank you for looking after him."

"He's my brother, you don't need to thank me."

Eren smiled and tuck Levi in bed before he sat at the table gave offered Mikasa a box.

"What?" Mikasa stared at the box in question. She knew the packaging but she didn't want to assume things.

"I noticed that you like to eat apple pie in that restaurant. So I got you some." Eren offered.

"Really? Thanks!" For the first time, Eren saw how her once dull eyes gleam at the gift. "But you didn't have to spend money on me, Levi needs it more than I do."

"No, it's fine. Erwin Smith gave me enough than expect so..." Eren shrugged. Honestly, he was a bit worried about what Mikasa will think of him if he asks to look after Levi when he was sick. He expected the scout will curse him for not taking good care of her brother and take him away from Eren. But Mikasa didn't scold him and even agreed to look after Levi in their cottage rather than taking the sick Omega to her inn which had more comfortable beds. So, Eren bought her this as thanks and also built a good relationship with his sister-in-law.

"You know what? You're too good for my brother. I can see him bullying you." Mikasa sighs.

"Ahhh... thanks?"

"No, I mean. I'm glad that it was you Eren." She smiled at him.

And Eren happily smiled back.

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