Chapter 39

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Erwin silently watched the two mates as they eat under the night sky. The fire in front of them lightens up the area but not the mood.

Eren and Levi sat side by side like the usual, minus Levi criticizing the way brunette Alpha ate and Eren offering to feed the raven.

It was awkward. The two's scent didn't help, resulting a heavy weight on Erwin's shoulders. It was not threatening just plain tension.

"You..." Levi spoke, eyes on his plate. "You have crumbs on your face..."

"Are you talking to me?" Eren replied a little harsher for Erwin's opinion.

"... yes," Levi whispered, his brows knitted in annoyance.

Erwin gulped. He if didn't know these two, he could have said that they are after each other's throats. But he witnessed how much both care and love each other. He wondered what the two had fought over that resulted to this.

Eren grunted but he followed the Omega and wiped his face.

Levi glanced at him for a split second before focusing on his food.

Erwin momentarily closed his eyes and prayed for the best for the mates.

After dinner, Erwin decided to give the two some privacy by doing his turn to wash the dishes on the nearby pond alone. With a little struggle, he picked up all the bowls and silverware. "I'll do the cleaning for now."

"I'll help," Eren volunteered. He didn't wait for a reply and took bowls from the blonde.

"No, I insist-" Erwin trailed off. The brunette Alpha didn't even listen to him and continued down to the pond. He glanced at Levi and offered him a small smile.

The raven Omega was frowning and when he landed his eyes on Erwin, he clicked his tongue. "For the record, I don't hate you."

Erwin lightens up. He's aware that Levi is doesn't fancy him, he doesn't know why though. But after hearing that Levi doesn't hate him, maybe they can be friends.

"I'm just not fond of your existence," Levi added before going to their sleeping spot.

"Ummm, thanks?" Erwin said helplessly. He no idea how to react to that. Shaking his head, he walked towards the pond where Eren had finished cleaning.

Erwin silently settled next to him, trying his best to clean the utensils with his one hand. He took a glance at Eren, the brunette was staring at the distance with his brows furrowed, deep in thought.

"So?" the commander started. "Everything okay?"

Eren let out a long tired sigh. "I'm sorry, things might be pretty awkward for you."

"No, it's okay," Erwin waved at him. "But, are you guys okay?"

Eren sighed again. "Not really..."

"If you won't talk about it, then I'm willing to listen," Erwin offered. He figured that the brunette listened to him before, it's fair to do the same thing to the other... if Eren feels like talking but if he doesn't, then Erwin respected that.

Eren was silent for a long moment that Erwin almost concluded that the brunette Alpha doesn't want to share his troubles. Which is fine for the blonde Alpha.

"Levi and I fought," Eren blurted out.

Erwin nodded silently, taking his time to clean the cups.

"When I bonded with him, all I can think about is settling down. Get a house, adopt a cat and children. But Levi... he doesn't want to settle down yet..." Eren sighed for the third time as he covered his face with both hands.

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