Chapter 14

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"Eren! Eren!" Levi called out excitedly as the Alpha steps inside the cottage. The Omega bolted towards him, surprising the brunette.

Eren was quick to catch his excited mate, tucking him in his embrace. "Hahaha, what's new?"

Levi looked up at him with all smiles, then he pulled something from his pocket and showed it to his Alpha. "I got my first pay!"

"Wow, and guess what?"


"I got mine too!"

Both mates jumped around, cheering while holding their pay for the month. It was not much just like what Farlan said and probably this is the lowest pay Eren ever received but seeing his mate's eyes gleam with pride at the pay he received from all the hard work, simply brings joy to the Alpha.

"Farlan mentioned that there will be a flee market tomorrow. And tomorrow is our day off!"

"This is great!" Levi hopped in his place. It was quite a childish move but the raven didn't care, he felt like a child. This is the first time he held money, his money.

"Also, if you had anything we need, we better list it down," Eren moved inside and proceed to change his clothes.

"Right," Levi went to the table after grabbing some paper and pencil. Last night, they counted the money from the jewelry that Eren sold, it was enough to last them a year or so. But that night they set a budget for every month's needs. It was one of the Omega best nights, planning with Eren is so satisfying and Levi felt like a responsible mate, making his Omega instincts purr with delight. Planning together about budgeting is fun, but Levi is more excited to plan a robbery with Eren. Though, the smaller male is not sure when it will be.

Levi continued to write down a few supplies such as soaps, and tea. Speaking of tea, the raven almost forgot to ask if Eren has seen his teacup. His eyes drifted on the Alpha. Eren is still changing and the Omega simply stared, completely forgotten what he was going to ask. Did Levi mention before that Eren Yeager is fucking hot?

Eren was about to put on his shirt when pale slender fingers brushed on his waist, sending a chill down his spine. "Levi? What are you doing?"

"Nothing," the Omega shrugged as he idly caresses the Alpha's abs.

Eren just chuckles and pulls down his shirt but the raven didn't remove his wondering hands until those said slender fingers trace at his waistband. "Levi, not now. Dinner first."

It's not that Eren doesn't want it, he wanted to ravish his Omega and not just in bed. Since they bonded, the Alpha had this strong urge to feed his mate, the Omega looked stunning but he is almost weightless, not to mention that Levi is so pale, it is beautiful and worries the brunette to a whole new level.

"Ugh, making me fat?." Levi glared at him. That was certainly a mood killer.

"No! I think, you... are just weightless..." Eren quickly turns and spoon his pouting mate on his arms.

"I'm not!" Levi immediately retort. The raven is not a heavy eater like his Alpha in the first. "Whoa!"

Eren easily scooped him up and raise a brow down at the raven to prove his point. Levi weighted like paper! It worries him to the core! Eren felt like he failed as an Alpha.

This almost made Eren lose his mind. He didn't mind being mated to Levi but he just wasn't ready. He was so used to being alone, only to worry himself and sometimes not but after bonding, his instincts are driving him crazy. He noticed little things in the raven, seeing Levi squirm at the uncomfortable bed, how the raven massage the pain off his hands, little things like that pains Eren. He wanted to buy a luxurious mattress, stop the raven from working on the farm. Eren mated this delicate Omega and look what he did to his mate, he made Levi work, sleep in an uncomfortable bed and serve him a small portion of food.

Eren was so conflicted about what to do and Farlan noticed it. The blonde Alpha immediately talked Eren out of it and teach the brunette how to handle such things.

And the blonde Alpha was right. Levi didn't complain about the bed or working when Eren went to spy on his mate while working, he was surprised to see the raven so happy. Levi is no longer afraid of horses, he sometimes played with the colts and Eren didn't miss how those blue-gray eyes shine with determination at the small man cleaned the stables.

That's how Eren manages to tone down his worries and maybe just consider one, and that is making sure that Levi eats a healthy diet and gain some weight.

On the other hand, Levi is not having the same troubles as Eren. The Omega never felt so safe and content in his present life. He doesn't mind working anymore because somehow, Eren's fingers work like magic, healing all the aches and sore on his body. But there is one urge that all bugs him. Its the strong urge to mate with his Alpha. Though it's not unwelcomed sometimes Levi will daydream during work and Isabel will notice it and tease him until the raven will melt in embarrassment. But seeing Eren physically after work is a whole new level. His body will immediately prepare itself for mating, demanding to be one with his mate, to feel those sharp teeth on his neck, to basked on Eren's smell. Levi had no idea when will this strong urge will end but he doesn't mind because Eren always gave what he wants, what he needs...

Except for today.

"Eren," Levi whined as he tried to rub his body on the Alpha.

The Alpha just sighs and puts his mate down. "Levi, you have to eat first, you've been working all day, you're body needs it."

"But you're already a snack," Levi purred as he snakes his arms around the brunette's neck.

Eren almost wanted to roll his eyes. When did Levi learn such... words?

"Please?" Levi tried again, hoping that Eren will budge in his wants. Which the Alpha does.

"No. I'll be cooking dinner now." Eren sighed as he tried to unlock the raven's arms.

"Hmph, fine." Levi surrender. Maybe it's not his day today, but he kept his arms lock on the Alpha. "By the way."


"Have you seen my teacup-"

Levi wasn't able to finish when Eren crashed his lips on his. The raven just giggled and surrendered to his Alpha's ministration.

"Whoa," Levi giggled once more when the Eren scooped him and carried him to the bed. At the end of the day, Levi is sure that he'll get what he wants.

Next will be market day!
Guess who will they meet~

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