Chapter 30

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Levi sighed with delight. The warm water relieved all the aches in his body, especially in his ass for riding too long (in a horse). The landlady was polite and offered some essence to go with the bath. Levi planned on giving her extra tips for the hard work on preparing a hot water for them.

Eren's hand ran on his arms, gently scrubbing his skin ever so loving. The tub is bigger allowing the mates to enjoy the warm water together with Levi's back on Eren's front.

Levi sighed again when Eren messages his shoulders. "This is the life," he moaned.

"I think our room is ready now," Eren whispered in the raven's ear. Pushing his hips on Levi's ass, letting his mate know that his ready.

"Really now?" Levi smirked, turning to face his mate. "Well, I guess I should get going then?"

"Go now," Eren pushed back Levi's hair and nuzzled his face on him. "Before I lose it."

"Jerk off in here and I'll kill you," Levi threatened before standing and getting out of the tub. He walked towards the towels in the counter, putting more swing in his hip than normal, seducing his Alpha. Levi snatched the towel and started humming. Raising the towel to his head, the Omega dries his hair while swaying his hips in his tune.

Eren blinked, mouth hanging open while he eyed Levi's seductive show. He can jerk off right there but Levi's threat was engraved in his mind.  Closing his eyes, Eren breathing in and out.

"Hey, Eren."

Eren almost whined, daring to crack an eye open. Levi had his robe on but those eyes that zoned at him rattled his core and also the way Levi slowly glide his tongue on his pink lips.

"Don't keep me waiting," Levi smirked, swaying his hips as he left the bathroom.

Eren groaned, gripping the edge of the tub with both hands. Even when Levi said that he shouldn't be kept waiting, Eren stayed in the tub, calming himself and giving his mate's time to prepare. After a good 10 minutes, Eren was out of the tub and quickly put on his robe and run up the stairs to their room.

The town they stopped by was small, even smaller than the previous town. The inn looked decent, they offered breakfast but they only have five-room and for now, Eren, Levi, and Erwin were their only customers. The blonde Alpha was polite to pick the room away from theirs, which Levi greatly appreciated.

Now face to face with their room door, Eren shook his hands. He is not sure why but he was nervous after Levi agreed to be his mermaid, Eren's mind kept imagining how perfect Levi will be as a mermaid. The imagery didn't help with his lower regions.

Lifting his knuckles, Eren knocked at the door. He heard a thud on the floor and a quiet 'fuck! shit!' followed afterward.

Immediately, the lust was replaced with concern. Thinking that his Omega got hurt inside. "Levi? Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah! Hold on a sec!"

Eren waited, tapping his foot impatiently. He was not impatient of holding his mate, more like he was worried. His Omega could have got hurt while preparing his props and if Levi does get hurt, Eren won't forgive himself.

Then the door cracked open.

"Come in," Levi's voice was soft almost like a whisper.

Eren didn't stall and went in, closing the door behind him. He observed his mate, eyes rake down on Levi from head to toe, searching for any injury. The Omega was not wearing any makeshift tail which only made Eren worried. Did Levi got hurt in the process?

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