A New Plan

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Alberto looked up at Giulia. "How will that help?"

"Well," began Giulia. "This vespa is Ercole's pride and joy. Do you really think he'd leave it here for this long?"

Alberto began to understand Giulia's plan and beamed. "He'd have to come looking for it! Keeping him away from Luca!"

"Yes, exactly!" Giulia said. "Now come on, grab the other end, we'll lift it."

"Pfft," Alberto responded, hopping onto the vespa's seat. "Let's just ride it away! Oh wait. . ."

Alberto looked down at his hands, situated on the vespa's handles. He had pictured this in his head a million times. But the last few hundred or so had Luca in them, holding Alberto's waist tightly from behind. He couldn't do this without him.

"Actually, nevermind," Alberto said, stepping off the vespa. He felt ashamed that he had even considered riding it without Luca.

Giulia understood what had gone through his head and gave a pitiful smile. "You wouldn't be able to ride it anyways. Vehicles like vespas need keys to work. Ercole has them, so you'll carry the front. It's the heaviest."

Alberto nodded solemnly and made his way to the front of the vespa and held onto the sides above the wheel to pick it up. Giulia took the other end with some difficulty and smiled.

"Come on," Giulia said. "Go down the alley and turn right. I know where we can hide this thing."

Alberto reluctantly let Giulia take the reins. As much as he hated to admit it, Giulia knew much more about human stuff then Alberto liked to pretend he did. Giulia directed him to a battered shed nearby what looked like an abandoned apartment. The two dropped the vespa with a huff and rolled it inside, having to re-carry it over some broken bikes and what seemed like half of a rowboat.

"Why are we taking it here?" Alberto asked, looking around the shed. "What about Luca?"

"I- don't know," Giulia admitted. "I just know that he'll come back for the vespa, which means that we can keep him away from Luca for the time being. What do you think?"

Alberto scratched his head as he paced around the broken bike. Suddenly, he beamed.

"I know!" Alberto exclaimed. " He won't find it here, which means that we can follow him back to wherever he lives! And rescue Luca!"

Giulia grinned. "Perfetto!"

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