Zyris Lane Part 2

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"He must have caught onto us," Xavier curses before backing the car and stepping onto the accelerator once he is already on the same side of the road as Zyris.

"Calm down, genius! We might end up crashing!" Dylan panics as he sees a gang of big buff men driving gigantic motorcycles right through the side mirror.

Xavier speeds up when he sees their target's vehicle is far ahead of them. "Don't worry, once we're close enough, they can overtake us. We cannot lose sight of our target, not when he's finally doing something out of his usual routines."

True to his words, once they are a good enough distance to tail the vehicle, some motor-bikers overtake their car. Xavier has been thinking for a while that Mr. Zyris has probably sensed there were people following him closely. Doing something ordinary, such as letting other vehicles go before them, will help them be steered clear of suspicions in his head. Even though it might not be a hundred percent.

Being born and raised in Orion Falls, Dylan and Xavier are unfamiliar with the places and establishments in Cruxford.

'Leandre... We're heading to Cruxford,' Xavier reports, not liking where this is going.

'What? Why?'

'It's Mr. Zyris. We don't know where he's going.'

Xavier grips the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles almost turning white. He does not want to lose sight of the target, yet at the same time, he wonders if he is doing the right thing. Following a man to Goddess-knows-where is not exactly one of the best decisions he has made. He knows full well that before jumping into anything, there should be a Plan B and C just in case Plan A turns upside down. All he knows is that his best friend entrusted this job to him and that he wants to fulfill it.

Leandre does not answer for a while and this makes him anxious even more. Is tailing Zyris this close a big mistake?

'It's fine. Find out where he's going first. If you think there is danger, retreat and do not engage in any fight.'


9:16 PM. Precisely two hours after they've begun tailing right behind the teacher. Xavier and Dylan find themselves entering Dorado Coast, the town after Cruxford. They have no idea how they managed to get there just by riding with the bikers and tracking right behind Zyris. They slow their speed down from time to time as well.

"We should come here with our friends when we're not busy," Dylan randomly spouts, eyeing the big ocean as they pass by the bridge. "It says here that they are known for their resorts and beaches. We don't have a lot of that back in Orion Falls."

Xavier nods his head, keeping his eyes on the road. Instead of answering his statement, he orders, "Dyl, prepare the GPS on your phone. We wouldn't want to get lost when we're going back home."

A few minutes pass by and they find Zyris signaling that he is turning right.

Instead of following him directly, Xavier slows the car down and gradually parks the car right before the entrance.

'He's stopping at a... club?' Xavier thinks as he sees Zyris park his car into one of the establishment's parking spaces. 'Why is he stopping at a club? Weren't there enough clubs at Orion Falls, Lyra Town, and Cruxford? Why did he come to this club specifically?'

The building itself is L-shaped. One side of the building with only one floor has a neon red light sign that says 'Crimson Rose Club.' Beside the name of the establishment are neon red and green lights shaped into a rose. From a distance, you can immediately hear the beat of the songs being played inside. There are a number of people waiting in line outside of the club. The other part of the building with the second floor has the words "Crimson Rose Grill" on it though it is not lit up at the moment.

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