Second Victim

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The Blood Moon Pack warriors—men and women alike in comfortable garments— gather in the training area, fire setting ablaze the torches surrounding it. Though the packhouse had its own source of electricity, the training area did not—considering the fact that it is located right in the middle of the forest and that it's far away from the packhouse. The ground where they all stand is the very place where werewolves train in their wolf form. The light from the torches is enough to illuminate everyone's faces and keep them warm despite staying in their human forms.

The younger pack warriors wonder why even the ones who have been inactive due to their family life are with them, but they decided to keep the thought to themselves. If the veteran warriors were there, this could only mean one thing—the meeting to be held will affect the pack gravely.

Meetings in this area are called when emergencies—those that require the active participation of all the warriors— arise. This is not the first time an emergency this grave has risen in the pack. As a matter of fact, this type of situation happened a decade and a half ago. It orphaned several children and others have lost their family, friends, and even their loved ones.

The Alpha arrives in front of the sea of werewolves, beaming with an aura of power and dominance. The beta stands behind the crowd, making sure everyone is focusing at tonight's meeting.

The Beta—Beta Topaz—despite being in his late forties, commands the warriors in a booming voice, "Attention!" The warriors immediately corrected their postures and prepared themselves for any possible order. Beta Topaz puts his fist over his chest and continues, "I greet the foundation and leader of the pack, Alpha Summers!"

At his order, the warriors abruptly fall into silence and put their fists on their chests. Simultaneously, they all chant, "We greet the foundation and leader of the pack, Alpha Summers."

"At ease," the Alpha commands.

The warriors immediately put both arms on their sides and stand erect, waiting for the Alpha's possible demands.

"Good evening, everyone. I'll get straight to the point because it's night time and some of you still have things to do," Chris begins to say. "I know that most of you are well-aware about the vampire sightings around our territory's borders. Though the word has probably spread, I stand in front of you all to affirm this information if there are still some of you who have your doubts. Vampires crave blood and rely on it as their source of strength and stability to survive. We have reason to believe that they are not just lurking near our land, but they're blending in with the humans even in broad daylight. As you've seen in the news, the fifth incident of animal attacks has been reported. This being the case, I ask for your full cooperation in handling this endeavor. I also want you all to be vigilant and mindful whenever and wherever you are, may it be as part of the warriors or when wandering outside."

After the short speech, everyone remains silent.

Chris takes this as an opportunity to add, "The Beta, Gamma, and leaders of each warrior faction have decided on a strategy. We will assign two groups to patrol the borders. Each group will comprise a scout, a sentinel, and two hunters. The pack will follow these protocols until the situation will be resolved." Chris covers his mouth with his hand and clears his throat. "If there are any questions, clarifications, or violent reactions, the time to express them is now."

A man in his late forties raises his arm, a scar on his left arm noticeable to every other werewolf in the area. Chris recognizes this man as one of the people who fought alongside his father and the former Alpha. "Yes, Mr. Huey?"

"With all due respect, Alpha, whilst we do the patrol, who will protect our families?"

"It will be our pleasure to let your family stay within the packhouse. After all, they are our own people," Chris replies calmly.

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