Intel and Rituals

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"I did not expect you to ask for an audience so soon, Mr. Roberts," Chris calmly says as he reviews the documents on his table.

Leandre stands straight in front of the Alpha, suppressing his aura. When speaking to the Alpha of another pack, one must control his aura especially when surrounded by his pack members. This has always been done to ensure that he is not a threat to the pack.

"Good afternoon, Alpha Summers." Leandre bows his head respectfully. "I-"

"I don't like formalities," Chris interrupts, closing the folder shut and placing it to the side. He puts his elbows on the table and rests his chin above his fingers. "Nikki has already introduced us yesterday anyway. Take a seat. I'll have the Omegas bring in juice and cookies."

Leandre sits rigidly at the black leather sofa, ignoring his wolf's complaints about suppressing him when it's a conversation meant to discuss their mate. The thumping in his chest grows louder by the second and he wipes the sweat forming on his forehead. He internally gives thanks to the Alpha for having air conditioning inside his office.

"The guards weren't harsh on you, I hope?"

"They weren't that harsh when I approached them looking like this." Leandre gestures to his white fitted shirt, dark blue jeans, and sneakers. One would think he is on his way to school when they see his attire.

Chris diminishes his attempt at small talk and asks, "What is it that you wished to talk about?"

"I hope you do let me finish explaining everything first before reacting," Leandre begins to say as Chris sits down on the sofa across from him. "I want to talk about two things—both concerning Nikki."

Chris pauses for a while to gather his thoughts before nodding and encouraging him to proceed.

"First, I want to be one of the people who will protect her. I'm sure you're well-aware of our circumstances—Nikki being my mate and all. I want to ensure her protection so please allow me to protect her." Leandre forms his hand into a fist and bumps it on his chest. "Second, I want to know if you have any information about the vampires. As far as I was taught, vampires have escaped the mundane realm and those who survived were killed."

A knock on the Alpha's office door brings their meeting to a halt. The omega comes in with a tray of cookies, a pitcher of orange juice, and two glasses in hand. She bows her head at the two men before placing the contents on the coffee table in between the two.

Once the omega's footsteps are no longer heard, the two resume their conversation.

Chris clears his throat before speaking. "I don't have any complaints about the first subject of the meeting. I have yet to find my own mate, but I'm sure her safety must worry you. We've both been taught the importance of mates after all. However, I want to add that if possible, you should not spend time alone. I'm an Alpha, too. I'm very well-aware of our..." Chris's eyes turn a shade darker, before turning into their normal green ones. "Desires."

"That's understandable. I'm doing my best to suppress my wolf's sudden urge to mark her," Leandre informs him. "That is something I'd want to gain her consent before doing so."

Chris does not want to have the 'talk' with someone who is not even directly related to him. However, it is well-known fact for their kind for soon-to-be Alphas to mate when they've already matured and received the title from their father. Their bond grows stronger that way. Of course, not all wolves have the ability to control themselves when it comes to their mates. It comes with practice and resilience. And it was something Chris has not experienced yet.

"On the second subject, I'd like all the help I can get. However, this matter about the vampires has to be handled by our pack alone. We have someone in the Ridge Oak PD gathering intel for us about the recent animal attacks. Once we are sure, we'll send word for all the pack Alphas, Betas, and their heirs for a meeting," Chris elucidates his plans.

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