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Chris taps his index finger on the wooden desk, thinking of various ways to tell Nikki about her real identity. He is also waiting for Valerie to arrive in the office as well. They've decided that they would be the ones to unravel the truth to their youngest sibling.

He shifts in his seat and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. The consequences of their actions will definitely be Nikki getting mixed emotions about the revelation—denial, surprise, and anger. 'Or maybe Nikki will handle everything well and just accept everything we tell her.' he thinks, knowing full well that it is a possible outcome, yet the former outweighs the latter for sure.

"Today is the day," he utters to himself silently.

His head shoots up as he hears a creak on the door, Valerie's head peeping through it. "You called for me, Alpha?"

"Yes, Val. And call me Chris when I'm at home. I may be your Alpha but I'm still your brother."

She smiles and traipses right in, closing the door behind her. "Doesn't change the fact that your still the Alpha though." She shrugs, grabbing a coca-cola can from the small fridge in his office. "You want one?"

Chris shakes his head, waiting for Valerie to settle down on the sofa so they can discuss things properly. He takes his seat on the black leather chair across the sofa used for the guests. Their little plan about revealing it to Nicole slowly will be hard, considering she'll be shifting next Friday.

Valerie sighs, plopping down the seat. "Why don't we just tell her straight away that she's one of us?"

Chris looks at her as if she has grown two more heads. "And you think she'll handle it well if we just straight up tell her that she's a werewolf the moment she comes home?"

Valerie drinks from the can before replying, "you got a point. She noticed her friends have been away lately. And just like her friends, I'm not really one to keep my mouth shut so I tend to avoid her to not spill anything."

"Alright. Use your blabbermouth to reveal it then."

"Are you stupid? We have to set the mood!"

"How do we do that? Buy ice cream and then watch a movie?"

"Can we get cookies and cream?"

"Valerie," Chris warns her.

"What? It's a good idea. We can watch a movie while eating ice cream. Talk about the movie afterward and then begin to spills secrets. As I've said, we have to set the mood!"


It's exactly a week before my birthday, yet I still feel like my family and friends are walking on eggshells around me. If I'm not mistaken, is it because they're planning a surprise birthday party or something? But it still doesn't explain their unusual behavior towards me. Kathleen and Elina are still the same. Jace, however... something's extremely wrong with that idiot. He has been skipping school a lot, including Jeremiah. I worry about his grades. It's not that he gets bad grades, he just doesn't try and teachers tend to tell him he should try more.

"We're here, Nikki," Jeremiah announces as he stops in front of our house.

That's odd. Valerie's red hatchback car is here. She usually goes out with her friends on Fridays. Are they finally going to tell me what's keeping them on edge lately?

"Thanks," I mutter before opening the car door.

"Nikki!" Jeremiah calls out before I can slam the door shut. "We'll always be here for you if you need someone to talk to."

I frown at his words, not knowing what he meant by that statement. He says that but they weren't even around the entire week. Still... it can't be helped if they truly are busy with whatever it is they do outside school. We do live separate lives after all.

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