Chapter Eleven

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The next morning Christina woke up to the sound of rain on the window. Stretching and yawning she climbed out of her bed and made it. Other than the rain the house seemed quiet so she peeked out her window and only saw her vehicle in front of the house. Turning on her radio she decided to listen to music as she got ready for the day, looking forward to this evening she didn't think anything could damper her mood today. Jumping in the shower she decided to bask in the hot water and pamper herself by shaving and exfoliating. She took extra care washing and conditioning her hair and when she stepped out of the shower she wrapped herself up in a soft towel. Making her way into her room she decided to throw on some sweats and just throw her hair in a bun.

As she went downstairs to get breakfast she heard her cell phone ringing, glancing at the caller ID she didn't recognize the number and decided to let it go to voicemail. She got to the kitchen and heated up a cup of coffee while getting the yogurt and fruit out of the fridge. Sitting at the table she picked up the newspaper and skimmed over it while eating her breakfast. She kept doing small tasks to keep her from thinking of this evening and getting too excited to see Sam again. Deciding to distract her mind she decided to clean the house a bit.

She started in the kitchen by washing the dishes and counters. she then cleaned out the fridge and swept and mopped the floors. After she finished cleaning the kitchen she noticed that the sun came out and she decided to relax outside for a few. She ran upstairs and grabbed a book and then took a bottle of water from the fridge and sat in a lawn chair out in the front yard. After a while she leaned back and closed her eyes and happened to fall asleep in the chair.

Waking up suddenly from rain starting to fall she gathered her things and went back inside. Noticing she had been outside for a couple of hours she decided to go upstairs and gather some laundry to wash. After starting the washer she sat in the living room and flipped through the channels before settling on a rerun of a show she had seen hundreds of times. She went upstairs to get her phone and saw she had a few more missed calls from the number that called her earlier but they never left a message. She shook it off as just a wrong number that finally gave up and decided to text Sam.

"Hey Sam, are we still on for tonight?"
"We sure are, I'll pick you up at your place at 6."
"Sounds good, see you soon"

Putting her phone in her pocket she went downstairs to grab the clothes from the washer and throw them in the dryer. After starting it she heard a car door close. Walking to the window she saw Charlie making his way to the house. She opened the door for him and he looked at her surprised. "Hey Chris, thanks."  "You're welcome Uncle Charlie." She noticed he wasn't in his uniform which meant he was probably down at Billy's place. "How's Billy?" He laughed "same as everyday I suppose." He walked into the kitchen to grab a beer, "hey the kitchen looks great, but you know you didn't need to do that, right?" She smiled "yeah I know, I just felt like cleaning it today." He nodded and made his way into the living room, "watching anything important?" "Nope, feel free to change it all you want." She sat down on the couch and asked "where's Bella, did she go down there too?" "Yeah she was hanging out with Jacob in the garage today." "That's good, she needed to get out of the house. Hopefully Jacob will be good for her and keep her mind off Edward." Charlie just nodded and watched the television.

Before Christina knew it, it was time to get ready for her date with Sam, she stood up from the couch and started to go upstairs. "Oh abandoning me are you? Like you have some hot date or something? Oh wait, that's right, you do." Christina blushed "hush Uncle Charlie." She could hear him laughing as she made it upstairs to her room. She couldn't figure out what she wanted to do with her hair, she thought about straightening it, but with the humidity she didn't think that would be wise. She decided to wear it down but pin a section back  on the side. Looking at her makeup she decided to keep it light and natural looking. Stepping into her dress she looked herself over in the mirror propped up on the wall. Deciding she liked how she looked she squirted a little of her perfume on her wrists and grabbed her purse.

As she walked downstairs she heard a knock on the front door and suddenly the butterfly's that disappeared made their way back to her stomach. "Hey Sam, come on in" she heard Charlie say. "Thanks Charlie." Reaching the living room she looked at Sam "hey Sam, how are you?" He smiled at her, "I'm good how are you? You look beautiful." She smiled and blushed "thank you." "You ready to go?" She nodded "yeah, I'm ready if you are." They both walked out and as Charlie shut the door he said "you take care of my niece Sam." Sam looked at Charlie, nodded and said "will do Charlie."

They got to Sam's truck and he helped her get in and once she got comfortable he closed the door and made his way to the drivers seat. Getting in he smiled over at her and started the truck. She smiled back at him and looked out the window. As they made their way to Port Angeles the butterfly's slowly disappeared.

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