Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sam came out of the bathroom and saw Christina putting her shoes on. "Hey let me get dressed real quick and then I'll be ready." She smiled and nodded at him and left to go to the living room. Emily was in the living room watching a home decorating show so Christina went and joined her on the couch to wait for Sam. "Getting ideas for redecorating?" Emily looked over at the girl "yeah I figure it's time to start making this place just a bit more comfortable instead of just livable." Christina laughed "what you don't like this couch that is who knows how many years old?" Emily laughed "yeah this is one of the first things that I will be changing." Christina smiled "you have done a great job with the yard too, so I can't wait to see what you do with the house." Emily smiled and reached over to hug Christina "thank you for saying that." Hugging her back she replied "you're welcome. And thank you for welcoming me in so easily to everything." They both settled back in their seats "honestly Christina, I feel like I've known you for a long time." She smiled "I'm really glad you came to live here and I've been able to get to know you more." Christina just smiled "I am too."

They heard Sam come out of the bedroom and Christina stood up and walked towards him "ready?" He smiled at her "sure am. See you later Emily." Emily waved at the couple as she went back to her tv show. As they walked out the door Sam grabbed Christina's hand and squeezed it tight as he led her toward a trail to the woods. "Alright, what's up? What were you wanting to talk about?" She looked ahead and said "Well Nick said something earlier that made me just think." He looked at her and waited for her to continue "he said you couldn't relax and enjoy life while Derek was still out there." Sam nodded "he's correct. I won't be resting until we get him. Why?" They came to a stop in a clearing and she looked at him "I just don't want you thinking that you can't do anything because you need to be protecting me all the time." He laughed "Chris, you don't get it. You're my imprint. My reason for living, I will protect you at all costs. If that means a few sleepless nights because I know that you are safe, then I will handle it. It won't always be like this, there will be a day when we will be able to sleep in until noon and lay around all day. Until then though, I have to do this." He looked at her and saw her teary eyes, reaching out he gently lifted her chin until she looked him in the eyes. "You know I don't regret any of this, right? You mean everything to me. I love you." She wiped her eyes and nodded "I love you too Sam, you mean the world to me, I never want to lose you." He pulled her into his arms "you won't, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

They pulled away from each other and started to walk back towards the house "hey I am thinking of taking a few days away from here, I already talked to Nick about it and he thinks it would do us some good. What do you think?" She grabbed his hand "are you okay to do that? Like you don't need to be here for anything?" "No, I should be fine to take off for just a couple days, I'd like it if you would come with me." She smiled "sure, where are you wanting to go?" He sighed "honestly I don't know, I want to be close just in case but I also just want to drive until it feels right." She nodded " I get that, honestly I'm happy just to spend the time with you so wherever we end up is good for me." He squeezed her hand "alright then, how about we head out on Saturday?" "sounds good to me, want me to pack for you?" He shook his head "no, I'll be fine. I don't require much anyway, it won't take that long." "Okay sounds good, just let me know if you need anything." He smiled " you know I will. Do you want to go out for dinner or just stay here?" "I could go with either. Staying here sounds good but so does going out." "Alright, how about we go and see what everyone else is doing and decide from there?" "Sure, might be nice to go out and give Emily and Nick some time to themselves also." He looked over at her "that's a good idea." "Well I guess we decided, everyone is on their own for dinner tonight." "Yep, guarantee some of them are going to go for pizza, if not all of them. She laughed "probably, what sounds good to you?" He looked away for a minute "I don't know, maybe a steak house? We'd have to go to Port Angeles though." "I don't mind driving a bit, I get to spend more time with you that way." He released her hand to put his arm around her shoulder so he could walk closer with her "Port Angeles it is then. Come on, lets go fill everyone else in."

As they returned to the house Sam let go of her shoulder "I'll shift real quick and let the others know if you want to go let Emily know." She nodded and headed towards the front door. Walking in she saw Emily asleep on the couch, she grabbed the blanket that was folded up on the back and covered her up. She went into the kitchen and grabbed the notepad next to the fridge and left a note for Emily just in case Nick didn't make it back in time to let her know not to cook dinner. Putting the note on the coffee table under the remote Christina made her way back outside, meeting Sam on the porch. "I told the guys, Jared is going to call everyone else, did you tell Em?" She nodded "well sort of, she's asleep on the couch so I left her a note. Do you want to head out there now or wait a bit?" "Might as well head there now, we can always just walk around and spend the evening there if you want to." "Sure sounds good to me, let me grab my purse and phone real quick though." He nodded, alright I'll meet you in the truck." Christina ran inside quietly and grabbed her purse and phone and went to the truck opening the door she looked up at Sam "do you think we should wait, you know because of Derek?" "I would but Embry is here doing patrol." She looked around "where, I don't see him anywhere." Sam raised his eyebrows "that's the point. I know where he is though, she'll be safe. Jacob is on his way over anyway to relieve Embry in a bit." Satisfied that Emily was safe, Christina climbed up in the truck and settled in for the drive.

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