Chapter Twenty-One

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A few days passed and Christina and Sam kept seeing each other on a regular basis. Some might think they were moving slightly fast but they couldn't help it, they  were drawn to each other like magnets. Charlie was even on board with how they were and agreed that they were good for each other. Everything was going good until the morning Christina woke up to 5 text messages, all from an unknown number.

"You thought you could change your number and I wouldn't find you?"

"I hope you know I won't stop until I have you again."

"That pretty boy you have with you? He's not as good as I am and you know it."

"I'm sure your cousins and uncle don't want any trouble."

"I'll give you one final chance to come back to me."

Christina couldn't help but feel chilled to the bone when she saw those messages. Looking outside she didn't see her uncle or cousins vehicles and immediately called Sam. Not getting an answer she called Emily.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Umm, I'm okay, is Sam there?"

"No, I'm sorry, he's out on patrol right now, are you okay? What's going on?"

"I don't know but I really need to talk to him. Do you know what time he'll be back?" Christina heard shuffling on the other end of the phone

"Hey Christina, it's Nick, what's going on?"

"Hey Nick, I just need Sam right now. Is there a way to get him? I wouldn't try to get him from patrol if it wasn't important."

"I know you wouldn't. I'll let him know, anything I should tell him so he knows it's important?"

Christina sighed "I don't want to alarm him, but tell him he's back. He will know what I mean by that."

"Okay, I'll get him. Are you home, do you want him to go there?"

"Please, I'm all alone and I don't want to be."

"Okay, I'll let him know, here's Emily again."
There was shuffling again and Christina could hear the squeak of the door.
"Hey Christina do you want me to come over and wait with you?"

"No that's okay Emily, I appreciate it tho. I'm sure Sam will be here soon."

Emily replied "Okay well how about I stay on the phone with you until he shows up?"

"Sure, that would be nice, thank you."

"Of course. So what do you have planned for the day?"

They continued their conversation and Christina got up and started down the stairs. As she reached the bottom step of the second set of stairs there was a knock at the door. Pausing in mid sentence with Emily she called out "who is it?"

"It's me Chris" came Sam's voice from the other side. Christina let out a sigh of relief "Hey Em, it's Sam I'll let you go now, okay?"

"Absolutely, let me know if you. need anything though, and come over anytime, but you already know that."

"Thanks Em, bye." She hung up the phone and opened the door to see Sam standing there shirtless and worried. "What do you mean he's back." She stepped aside so she could let him in and closed the door behind him. Unlocking her phone she handed it to him before walking into the kitchen to get some coffee cups for her and Sam. Pouring a couple cups she joined him in the living room where he was sitting on the couch staring at her phone.

He smiled at her as he took the cup offered to him and took a sip. "We need to get Charlie in on this. This crosses the line, this is bordering on stalking if not already there." Christina felt her eyes fill with tears and set her cup of coffee on the table so she could wipe her eyes. Sam pulled her into his arms "It's not safe for you here. Not anymore, we need to get you where we can keep you safe and see if he follows." Christina looked up at Sam "what if he tries to hurt Charlie or Bella though?" Sam sighed "that's why we need to get Charlie involved in this. He needs to know so he can do what he needs to do to protect everyone."

As Christina leaned forward to get her coffee Sam stood up and walked into the other room to make a few calls. She slowly sipped her coffee and tried to decide what to do. Was moving in with Sam running away and abandoning her uncle and cousin? Would it be safer for everyone? Could she put all that on the guys also with everything they already have going on? One thing was sure, she had to make a decision and it could change a lot.

Sam came back in the room "Charlie said he's gonna come home, he wants to talk with us about everything." Walking over to the couch he noticed that Christina seemed to be in a different world and not really there at all. Pulling her up off the couch and into a hug seemed to shake her out of her trance. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried in his arms "I don't know why he can't just let me go and leave me alone." Sam tightened his arms around her "I don't know either but we will figure all of this out."

Releasing Christina from his arms he kissed the top of her head, "don't worry so much, it will all be okay."

"I know, I just can't help it, what if someone gets hurt from all of this?" Christina went into the kitchen to get something quick to eat. Sam followed her "if someone gets hurt, then we will deal with it. Look there is no sense on getting worked up over something that may not even happen." As she poured her bowl of cereal she heard a car door shut outside. Sam looked out the window near the door "it's just Charlie." Christina continued to make her cereal as her uncle walked in the house putting his gun away and hanging his jacket up he called out "how are you doing Chris?" Christina swallowed the bite she had and answered "I'm okay, just a little shaken up." Charlie walked into the kitchen and joined them at the table. Getting straight to the point Charlie said, "Well lets talk about all this then."

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