Chapter Fifteen

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*sorry for the long wait between updates, I had to take a break for a bit but I am back :) I'll try and have a couple more chapters out tomorrow for you all :)*

The two made their way out of the house and walked around to the path that led to the woods. As they walked Sam asked her how she was handling everything.

"It's a lot to take in, but I think I'm okay."

Sam smiled at her and took her hand "I'm glad, I just keep waiting to see you run screaming the other way."

She squeezed his hand "yeah sorry you're stuck with me for a bit now." Christina looked back at Sam and asked "so why is Jacob so pissed at me?"

Sam sighed and pulled her to his side "it's not you he's mad it, it's me. He can't talk to Bella right now because she can't know what he is. She's not an imprint nor a shifter so she's not allowed. I guess she's been blowing up Jacobs phone lately too."

Christina nodded "yeah I remember her sort of pouting about the house wanting to talk to him. You can't make an exception?"

Sam shook his head "it's too dangerous, you saw Emily and she's an imprint. We can't take that risk especially with someone who seems to attract the supernatural."

Christina thoughtfully nodded "yeah I guess that makes sense, it just sucks for them. So since we are by some of the other guys would I be able to see your wolf yet?"

Sam chuckled "why are you wanting to see my wolf so bad?"

Christina smiled up at him "I don't know, I think it's because it's another part of you that I want to know. It's too soon though isn't it?"

Sam pulled her into his arms as they came to a stop and kissed the top of her head. "If you want to see my wolf so bad, I could probably get some of the guys to be there, let's head back."

Christina grinned and walked a little faster making Sam laugh "alright slow down there's not a time frame for this." They made their way back to the house and saw Paul and Embry throwing a ball around in the yard "hey guys, come help me with something for a second?" They 2 boys ran over and Paul asked "what's up?" Sam looked at Christina smiled and looked back at the two boys "well, Christina wants to meet my wolf so I need you guys here just in case. Paul, could you phase, Embry you stay next to Christina and protect her if needed please."

Paul ran off to the woods and came back in his grey wolf, Sam stood there in front of Christina as she peeked around him to see Paul. "Is you wolf as big?" Sam rubbed her arms "well since I'm Alpha, I'll actually be slightly bigger." He stepped away and went to stand near Paul. "Paul, if something goes wrong, you need to get me to go back into the woods no matter what." Paul let his head drop in a nod. "Christina you can't come closer to me until you see me lay down onto the ground, okay?" Christina nodded as she looked at him with her eyes wide.

Sam began to shake and seemed like he was concentrating on something and suddenly a large jet black wolf burst out from where Sam was standing. Christina gasped loudly and stepped back behind Embry.  She looked around him to see Sam's wolf lay down on the ground and Paul let out a sort of huff to let her know she could come forward. She slowly walked toward him and he lifted his head and wagged his tail. She smiled at him as she approached him "just tell me you are house trained and there won't be any issues." Both wolfs let out a bark sounding like a laugh. Christina sat in front of Sam and he crawled toward her and put his head on her lap. Running her hand through his fur "you really need to stop underestimating me, this is fine and I'm not going anywhere." Sam lifted his head and licked her face. "Sam! Seriously?" She wiped her face while laughing seeing Sam wagging his tail. "Okay, can I have human Sam back now?" Sam stood up and shook his fur off before following Paul into the woods to phase back. "Hey Embry, how come they go to the woods?" Embry's face got all red "well because when we phase back we don't have any clothes on. So we stash clothes all around the woods for us for when we turn back." Christina nodded "makes sense, don't want anyone asking weird questions." They both laughed as they saw Paul and Sam running back to them. Sam ran up and grabbed Christina by her waist and twirled her around making her squeal with joy. "I'm really glad you aren't freaking out about this. And I'm really glad you finally saw my wolf." She smiled at him and put her arms around his neck "i told you, you have to do a lot more to get rid of me."

Sam smiled down at her and leaned slowly down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Do you want to stay here for dinner?" She nodded and kissed him once more "that would be nice." He smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around and just held her, almost as if he was still afraid she would disappear.

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