Chapter Twenty-Three

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It had been nearly a week and there was no sign of Derek trying to reach out. There wasn't any sign of new people in town either and life had seemed to go back to normal. The boys were going on daily patrol and Sam was a bit more relaxed knowing that Christina was safe at home. With everything that was happening neither Sam or Charlie felt safe having Christina go into work all day anymore and so she had decided to quit. She hated letting them down but they were reaching their slow time so her hours would've been cut more than they already were.

Emily and Christina were forming an even closer relationship and were switching off days that they would cook for everyone. That gave Emily the chance to do some gardening as well as get some much deserved rest after being the sole cook and caretaker for the house for who knows how long. Christina quickly fell into a routine that made her feel useful but also distracted her mind from worrying about everything that was going on around her. Everything seemed to be going well until the phone at the house rang one late afternoon.

Sam and the boys were out chasing Victoria a vampire who was out for revenge trying to get to Bella. Emily and Christina had just finished baking some banana bread when the phone rang while Emily went to answer it Christina headed towards the bedroom. She and Sam were planning on going out to dinner and she wanted to start getting ready.  Christina heard the phone in the kitchen drop onto the floor and she rushed in to see Emily sitting on the floor crying. Picking up the phone she only heard a dial tone.

"Emily, what's going on?" Christina asked her frantically. Not getting an answer she tried to call Nicks number to see if she could get him home. When Nick didn't pick up Christina tried to get Emily to focus a bit more. "Em, talk to me, what happened? I can't help if I don't know what's going on." Emily looked up at Christina "Uncle Harry is gone. He's just gone now." Christina pulled Emily into her arms and held her while she cried. Hearing more voices approaching she looked up to see Nick and Sam walk in the door. Nick ran over to Emily and grabbed her in his arms and took her to their room.

Sam walked over and helped Christina up off the floor and held her close to him. "I take it Emily told you?" She nodded as she put her head on his chest "I just got it out of her right before you two came home. What exactly happened?" Sam took a deep breath in "we were chasing after the red head when she attacked him. Gave him a heart attack and it wasn't long before he was gone." Christina looked up at Sam and saw his eyes fill up with tears "hey do you want to go talk about it?" He shook his head "no, I'll be fine. I need to check on Sue though and see if she needs anything." Christina pulled back from him "do you want me to go with you?" Sam leaned down and gave her a kiss, "I would love that. I want to see if Nick and Emily want to join us." He headed off toward their bedroom and Christina went to wrap one of the loaves of bread.

Christina was washing up the dishes waiting for Sam when she felt his arms go around her waist from behind. When he kissed the top of her head she leaned back into his arms. "I thought we could take one of the loaves of banana bread that Em and I made over to Sue's" She turned in his arms as he responded "yeah that sounds nice. They'll be out in a few minutes. I need to check in on Jacob then I'll be ready." Christina nodded and gave him a hug "sounds good, I'll be here whenever you all are ready." Christina heard the door shut and went to change her clothes. After putting her shoes on she heard a knock on the bedroom door. Opening it she saw Sam standing there. "Hey sorry I didn't want to just walk in on you." Christina laughed "Sam, this is your room too you are allowed to just walk in." He smiled "yeah I guess you're right." He sighed "you about ready?" She nodded and reached over and took his hand "are you doing okay? I know you and Harry were close." He nodded and squeezed her hand "I'll be okay." They both walked out to the living room and saw most of the guys and Emily sitting around the table. "Alright so whoever is going with us, lets head out. The rest of you just run a quick border run please. If you see her then report back to me, do not engage."Jared and Embry nodded and ran out the door.

The rest of them loaded up in Sam's truck and headed over to Sues house. Sam walked over to Christina's side of the truck and helped her out of it and they both walked towards the front door. Sam kept his arm around her shoulders as they reached the porch and knocked on the door. Charlie opened the door and welcomed them all in the house. Christina reached up and hugged her uncle and asked how he was doing. "I'm holding up, it's Sue that I'm worried about right now." Christina nodded and made her way back to Sam. "Sue, this is Christina, Christina this is Sue." Christina gently smiled at the woman and reached her hand out for her to shake "It's nice to finally meet you." Sue smiled though her eyes were cloudy with tears "it's nice to meet you as well."

Emily and Nick made their way over and Sam pulled Christina over to sit on the couch for a bit. While Emily hugged her aunt, Sam wrapped his arms around Christina and just held her. Christina felt his phone vibrate and he sighed "I'll be right back babe." She nodded as he got up from the couch. Looking around the living room she couldn't help but notice a family picture hanging on the wall. Going over to it she saw Sue and who she assumed to be Harry along with their two children. "That's Seth and Leah" Charlie said coming up behind her "not sure where they are right now or I'd introduce you." Christina glanced up at him "that's okay, this isn't really a time to get to know people." He sighed and took a sip of his drink "no but you might be able to help them a bit. After all, you've been in their shoes." Christina looked down at the grey carpet "yeah I guess you're right."

Sam came back in and walked over to where the two were standing "hey I need to head out for a bit, will you be okay here or do you want me to take you home now?" She looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes "I'll be okay here, go on I'll see you at home later." He smiled a little and kissed her before going over to Sue and saying his goodbyes to everyone else. "So that seems to be going well" Charlie said taking another drink. Christina smiled "yeah, it is. I do miss seeing you guys everyday though." Charlie grunted "yeah as we all rush out the door to our jobs or school? I'm sure you do. I feel like I see you more now than I did before." Christina laughed "yeah I guess you're right. I'm glad to see you even if the circumstances aren't the greatest." Charlie put his arm around her shoulders "I'm happy to see you too kiddo."

The rest of the visit went by fast and before Christina knew it, she was walking out to the truck with Nick and Emily. Climbing in the backseat she waved to Charlie as he headed towards his cruiser to head home. Nick started the truck and they all headed home before Christina asked him "do you know where Sam had to go?" Nick nodded "yeah I guess we have a couple new wolves to welcome in." Emily looked over at him "no, it can't be." He slowly nodded and reached over to take Emily's hand "yeah I guess it's not impossible for a girl to shift too." Both Christina and Emily sat there in shock at the revelation as they all headed home for the night.

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