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4 Years Later

Christina was in the kitchen stirring the batter for pancakes as she heard noise from upstairs indicating that everyone was on the move. Setting the bowl on the counter she turned around as Noah and Ava came running into the kitchen. Squatting down she opened her arms to give them hugs.

"Momma, daddy said pancakes for breakfast." Noah said as he put his arms around her neck. She kissed the top of his head "Daddy was right, pancakes are for breakfast." Ava stepped forward and hugged her mom around the neck the same as Noah did and giggled when Christina kissed her head and tickled her. Noah was walking to the counter when Sam came in "I don't think so young man, lets go ahead and get seated at the table and let mom finish with breakfast." Sam picked up Ava and strapped her in her booster as Noah climbed in the chair next to her. Christina stayed down in a squat until Sam came over to help her up. "You're not going to be able to do that at all pretty soon." Christina covered her belly with her hand "You hush, or I'll do it every day just to spite you and you'll have to help me each time." Sam laughed and leaned down to kiss her.

Christina went back to the stove to finish the pancakes as Sam got out the plates and everything else they would need. "Hey so Nick called this morning and wanted to know if he could have the kids over to give us a little time to relax after breakfast before the shower tonight." Christina smiled over at her husband "I would love that, I know Emily has been saying that Ben has been asking about playing with Noah." Sam nodded and put his hands on her shoulders as she finished making the pancakes.

Once breakfast was finished and both kids had been cleaned up and changed into clothes for the day, Sam left to run them over to Nick and Emily's. Christina and Sam had decided for each child they wanted to wait to find out what they were having but this time Christina decided she wanted to know. Sitting on the couch she shook her head as she still couldn't believe it. Not only were they going to have another girl, but they were also getting another boy to even out the family. Looking back on her life Christina couldn't help but be so happy she finally listened to her Uncle and made the move out to Forks. Since that day, her life had never been the same, and she was so glad for it.

                                                                                      *********Authors Note*********

Y'all, thank you so much each and everyone of you for reading and voting when you did. I appreciate it more than you know and honestly that's what kept me going with this book. I have completed it and it is bittersweet but it was great seeing that I was able to do it. I will be writing more, probably some original stuff maybe another fan fiction at some point as well, I just don't know. I'm gonna take some time to relax and recharge and then we shall see. Feel free to follow me so you can get updates on any new ones I write if you'd like to. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

-Tina Lacey

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