02| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10

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[Eret]: So, are you going somewhere just because you think your friends are in trouble?..-Eret says, looking at Aster-

[Aster]: Yeah. I'm worried about my sister, she's never been away for so long..-Aster said, looking ahead. They had all reached a crack in some ice mountains- I hope this is the place, Eret...

Upon entering the crack, Stormfly dropped Eret into the snow. Aster looks at Eret, who was looking around before getting up and running to get away. Aster shakes his head with a smile, before motioning for Stormfly to go to Eret.

Stormfly got on top of Eret, then sat down like a chicken. Aster got down from Stormfly with a smile when he saw Eret.

[Eret]: Okay! Look, I got you here. Now get this thing off me..

[Aster]: Never take a toy from a Dragon...-He tells him, giving a few light blows to Eret's forehead- Don't you know anything?....

[Eret]: Why does this keep happening to me?...

Aster and the others approached the edge of a hill to observe, they poked their heads and saw many hunters' boats. All the ships were around a circle in the bubbling sea.

[Aster]: What down there?...-Aster narrowed his eyes, Fishlegs grabbed his data cards from the dragons-

[Fishlegs]: Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs... cold water deep dweller. I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six...-The twins rolled their eyes while Aster looks at him in silence-

Stormfly sensed a presence around him and quickly got up from Eret, who drew a knife as some men appeared. Aster and the others quickly turned around, the men shooting tranquilizer darts at each dragon.

[Fishlegs]: Meatlug! What's wrong, girl?...

The men surrounded everyone. In the boats, in one of these a man was looking towards the circle of bubbles, but he was interrupted by the voice of Eret.

[Eret]: Drago!...-Drago turned around, revealing his appearance. The man had long black hair and a beard in thick braids. Multiple scars run over Drago's face and body. He had a huge black cape made from dragon skin- Get off me!..-Eret loosens from the grip of men- Always great to see you, my friend! Keeping warm up here?...-Drago walked towards him while the dragons bowed before him- As you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons... just like I promised...

Hookfang was waking up from the tranquilizer and the men became alarmed. Hookfang tried to free himself from the ropes while the men tried to control him.

[Drago]: Drop the ropes!..-He ordered, the hunters moved away. Hookfang glared at him with a roar, Drago scowling before Hookfang breathed fire at him. Drago covered himself with his huge black cape made from dragon skin, continuing on his way. Eret let out a nervous laugh while Aster and the others looked at each other-

Hookfang roared at him, Drago began to yell as he swung his staff. Hookfang lowered his head as Drago placed his foot on top of Hookfang's snout.

[Snotlout]: Hookfang...

[Aster]: Hey! What are you doing?...-Aster asks, frowning-

[Drago]: You belong to me now...-He frowned when he saw a saddle on top of the dragon-

[Eret]: And as an added bonus... I also caught you their riders. No extra charge...

[Aster]: What? Are you kidding me?...

Our Adventure ~𝑯𝒊𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝑥𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें