03| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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How To Train Your Dragon 3


The sun does not make as much light because of the clouds and the fog that was in that place with so little light, a board floated in that dark sea approaching a ship. The large ship was full of cages, the torches were lit, it was the only thing that could be seen in the fog. A guy was walking between the cages with dragons.

— Quiet!...—He shouted, hitting the cage when the dragon roared slightly at him. Fixating on a figure ahead, he narrows his eyes. A sword lit up on fire, revealing a boy in a black suit— What are you? —

— Shh.. —That mysterious person was Hiccup, who gave him a silent gesture. The man heard a sound behind him, he turned and saw Toothless' shadow come down from a cage while Toothless' back-fins were flowing a faint blue.—

The man lets out a scream starting to attack him, but Hiccup stepped under the enemy's staff, moving to the right avoiding another attack. The man, wanting to make another attack, this time Hiccup stopped him with his fire sword. The man staggers back and throwing a hanging lantern in front of him, causing a large fire as he backs away.

Hiccup walked through the fire with Toothless at his side, who closed his eyes as the flames passed. The man takes a few steps back, letting out a groan of fear.

— You're a demon! You're a demon! —Hiccup lowers his mask, lifting his helmet before grinning— 

— See? Just a guy.. Just a guy here to rescue these dragons, so, uh... —

— But you walked throught fire! —The man groans, still looking afraid—

— Dragon scales! —Hiccup informs, rubbing his arm— Dragons shed a lot.. —

— No, I know a demon when I see one.. —The man whimpers, continuing to back away— No human legs are that shinny.. —

The man turns around but Snotlout lands in front of him with Hookfang set on fire, drawing a lot of attention.

— Think that's a good entrance? Get a load of me.. —He screams as he was accidentally lit on fire on his unprotected spot, falling off Hookfang and running around.— 

— I knew it! More demons! —

—: Ah, it's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt.. —He puts his index finger and the flea on the bridge of his nose, sighing in frustration.—

— Hot, hot, hot, hot! —Zippleback gas appeared behind him.— Guys, no, not yet! —Snotlout screams, starting to run but the explosion catches him and sends him flying.—

— Behold, your worst nightmare.. —Tuffnut strikes a dramatic pose in the smoke, while at his side his twin sister, Ruffnut, staggers by his side.— Along with his sister, who insisted on coming.. —Tuffnut finishes in an annoyed tone, moving his mask up to glare at Ruffnut.—

— That's my intro? —

— Guys, too soon. You always come in too soon.. —Hiccup walks back when Fishlegs in front of him, he sighs as he shakes his head as Fishlegs struggles to stand.— 

— Sorry, still getting the hang of my wings.. —A little dragon head appeared in Fishlegs' front pocket.—

— Fishlegs, again with the baby? This is a raid! —Hiccup's brows furrow, looking at Fishlegs. The man behind him scrambling to his feet.—

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