02| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11

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Drago's ship began to sail as Drago hits the chains with his staff. Elsewhere on the ship, the hunters brought the riders and Eret to the shore of the ship.

[Eret]: Could this day get any worse?!...-Eret asks, while a hunter pushes him-

[Tuffnut]: Let me see...-Tuffnut speaks, looking at him- We're gonna jump into freezing cold water, and then die from drowning.

[Eret]: Looks refreshing...-He said, looking at the sea. Then he turns to Aster with a smile- Please, you first...- Aster wanted to attack him but the hunters stopped him-

[Aster]: You are a steaming heap of dragon...

[Eret]: Duck..-He orders, Aster quickly ducks while Eret will hit the hunters with a kick. The weapon of one of the hunters went flying towards Eret, who caught it with his bound hands. He freed himself from the ropes-

[...]: Warn the others!..

[Ruffnut]: Get them, you son of an Eret..-She said, with a flirtatious tone-

Eret hit two hunters, causing one of them to deflect the tranquilizer dart, hitting his partner. Fishlegs threw himself on top of one hunter, while Eret grabbed the blowpipe and fired a tranquilizer dart at another hunter, who fell to the ground.

[Ruffnut]: Okay, I love you again..-She said with a smile before running towards him. Snotlout looked at her sadly while Tuffnut looked at him with a grimace on his lip-

[Tuffnut]: Pathetic. You can still jump..

[Eret]: So, are we going to save your dragons and get out of here, or not?...-Aster looks at him with a smile while Eret helps him with the ropes in his hands- Check every trap. They're here somewhere..

[Aster]: Hey...-Aster spoke to him, while the rest ran for their dragons. Eret turned to see him- Thanks for helping us now..

[Eret]: It was a pleasure..-The two smiled at each other before running to look for the dragons-


Aster entered a tent and turned a mechanism, which opened the trap. He climbed up and looked at a dragon in the dark.

[Aster]: Meatlug? ..-He mutters, Meatlug looked at him while she had ropes on her body-


[Eret]: Anyone coming? ..-He asked Ruffnut, moving a mechanism while Ruffnut looked at him-

[Ruffnut]: I don't know. You just keep what you are doing..-She said, looking at Eret's arms- Keep cranking..

Eret climbed up the trap and into the darkness, where he found Stormfly. She widened her eyes as Eret walked over slowly, lifting his hand.

[Eret]: Thank you for saving my life...-Stormfly closed her eyes, leaning her snout against Eret's hand- Now let me return the favor..


[Hiccup]: Mom, you'd never even recognize it. Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing-slings...-He said, walking towards (Y/n), who filled a basket with fish- We even fix dragon teeth!..-(Y/n) handed him the basket with fish, they both smiled at each other. Hiccup turned to his father- You would n't believe how much everything's changed ...

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