02| Final 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17

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The other dragons began to approach their owners, they ran to give their dragon a hug. 

[Gobber]: Give me a cuddle, Grumpy!...-He says, raising his arms, Grumpy just dropped on top of Gobber-

[Fishlegs]: Who's my little princess?..-He and Snotlout ran towards her dragons, passing by Brutilda's side, thinking that the hug was for her-

[Snotlout]: Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang...

[Fishlegs]: You are! Yes, you are! I missed you!...

Aster and Hiccup smiled as all the vikings were with their dragons. Aster gasps as Stormfly nudges his arm, he smiles as he nuzzles her. Hiccup approaches Skullcrusher as Eret starts to speak.

[Eret]: That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper..-skullbreaker pushed him- Hehe...

[Hiccup]: You know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now...

[Eret]: Me?...-He asks, Hiccup nods with a slight smile- I'd be honored..

[Aster]: Oh, Stormfly is going to miss you..-Aster says sarcastically-

[Eret]: We can exchange dragons...-Aster shakes his head with a small smile, Stormfly and Skullcrusher look at each other in silence-

[Valka]: Your father would be every bit as proud as I am...-Hiccup looks down with a smile, this was not the same without Stoick or (Y/n)- And (Y/n) would also be proud of you..

[Hiccup]: Thank you.. I'm really glad you're here, Mom..

[Valka]: And here I'll stay..

Gothi touched his shoulder and motioned for him to bow, hiccup did and gothi grabbed some ash, looked at him and then put it on his forehead making the mark of the tribal chief, she bowed and hiccup left stood up, gobber walked over to hiccup. 

[Gobber]: The chief has come home!...

the others began to shout and applaud. Hiccup watched them, sighed and smiled. The dragons released fire into the air making an explosion. Aster sighed before turning to his parents, his father was looking at him while his mother looked around him for his daughter.

[...]: Aster, where is (Y/n)? ..-His mother asked him, he looked down with notable sadness- Aster... Where is your sister? ..

[Aster]: I'm sorry.. I couldn't protect her..

[...]: W-What do you mean with that?...-His father said nervously, neither of them wanted to think the worst but his son had tears in his eyes and that was not a good thing-

[Aster]: She...-He felt a lump in his throat, he couldn't speak properly- She died with Stoick... I'm so sorry, I didn't save her as I promised. I'm not a good brother ..- His voice was broken by sobs while the tears fell-

The parents hug each other while crying, Aster just stayed in the same place sobbing silently. Some Vikings were silent as they watched the scene of the family, Hiccup and Valka got closer.

(D/n) raised her head, looking around for (Y/n) but found her nowhere. She roared at Toothless, who just looked at Hiccup. At that moment she understood that her owner was not there, and no one will see her again.


A sheep was eating calmly but a terrible terror tried to lift it up causing the sheep to get upset but the twins grabbed it and started fighting throwing the sheep. Fishlegs, who was next to Brutilda, waited for the sheep to arrive in his hands but Snotlout snatched it away, he was about to put the sheep in his basket but it was snatched away by Eret, who put it in his basket.

Our Adventure ~𝑯𝒊𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝑥𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat