01. Reality Hits Hard When You're in a Fictional World

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01. Reality Hits Hard When You're in a Fictional World

Y/n ran and ran.

She managed to escape the son of a bitches at least.

The big mansion was obviously hell and that child managed to survive such terrible thing for 12 years?

Well Y/n felt bad.

How could those pigs do that? They're going to gift a twelve years old to a thirty year old bastard?! Isn't that going overboard!

There should be age restriction which one is not allowed to marry kids! And most especially, there should be a place here where children's rights should not be abused!

"Those assholes."

Y/n was fuming. It angered her to no end as she walked around the city scapes limping and had felt her wounds started to open. She has to find a way to get by somehow. But first, she has to run away farther.

Her dress getting soiled by mud as her steps slowed. Running had tolled the young girl's scarred body as she hid herself to an alley catching her breath. Since she also didn't get to eat dinner last night or breakfast, Y/n could hear the growling of her stomach that she held it with annoyance.

And everything slowly dawned into her as the pain reemerged in her cheek.

It stung.

It hurt. Her body hurt and the wounds are still fresh and deep.

Y/n slowly looked down to find that she was stepping on something. It was a piece of a newspaper as she slowly crouched down and picked it up.

The written text were a bit fuzzy at first but Y/n was almost shock that she understood what was written even if it looked like scribbles.

Commencing the 18th expedition(assuming they go out twice a year I guess). New Commander Keith Shadis is expected to be an amazing leader for the scouts!

Y/n frowned.

Shadis? Keith Shadis?! As in the commandant in season 1?

Her body froze as she reread the words like they were gibberish. Until slowly the girl had pieced the puzzle.

Scouts. Walls. Shadis.

One meaning... Attack on Titan.

Her eyes stared blankly for minutes. She couldn't swallow the fact nor could she have any logical explanation to what the hell was going on.

Why, of all anime... why Attack on Titan, you author bitch?!

Y/n cursed multiple times in her head as she stared motionless at the paper. Her head was so corrupted with dirty words even her religious lifestyle had long since forsaken her.

The girl was so mad. Double than before that she nearly tore the paper apart but stopped as soon as she saw a word in between her hands that were attempting to do just that.

There, in black bold letters were the words "NEW SOLDIER RECRUIT TRAINING!!! WE NEED YOU!" with an image of some weird dude doing a salute on top of the caption.

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