14. It Is Not Waking Up From A Long Dream

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14. It Is Not Waking Up From A Long Dream

Isabel and Hange were fixing Y/n's things in their room.

The mourning already happened for the other bodies that were recovered, but Y/n's body was neither on the funeral or the hospital. She was in the church of Sina.

Her eyes closed, her body dormant in a glass coffin for everyone to see. For an unknown reason, the king declared her as the saintess of the church when she turns eighteen, so it seemed that her family's plan on selling her off was merely to scare her, but it doesn't change the fact that she was abused.

The Callenreese family were soon persecuted with the evidences of different crimes. Y/n, being the only descendant left was in a coma so all inheritance would naturally be managed by closest family members from her maternal side until she wakes up or dies.

"Where should I put these?" Isabel asked looking at the boxed items which consisted of Y/n's clothing.

"We'll have to put it in storage. So Y/n won't kick our asses if she finds her clothes missing later on." Hange explained, her voice was a bit sore from stopping her cries the previous nights.

She didn't even see Y/n for the last time after returning. After taking her to the church, Isabel explained that there was already a coffin prepared for her. It was made of glass which meant that they were actually expecting that she's already dead by then and wanted to collect her body for display.

Hange sniffed, opening Y/n's study drawer and paused. There were two journals inside, an ink bottle and a quail pen. The woman picked the one on top and skimmed. She frowned from the use of characters.

The more she skimmed, the more the letters felt foreign, putting it on top of the table. Then her eyes landed on the second notebook. She picked it up and opened it on to the first page.

It was their language!

The journal started at year 837 which means that Y/n was 12 years old that time.

From the money I had after running away, the first thing I actually bought are two pieces of journal. One is for remembering my roots, and this as my guide.

It's quite expensive so I have to make it quick and join the scouts.

So my goal for now is to study the geography of this place, understand it better and put my own analysis on what's given.

I might wish to save lives on a later date. But before that, I might as well save mine first.

Hange smiled as she read the first entry. She flipped the page and read through Y/n's daily report of her life until she entered the scouts.

I met the future mad scientist Hange on my first day. She's quite friendly but she said she has no interest with titan research so I guess I'll have to wait in the future.

Hange frowned at this entry. Somehow, her heart was beating fast when the words 'future mad scientist' came to her eyes. She read it repeatedly, thinking that she read it wrong, but no.

She flipped through again, but the few pages only mentioned her daily exercises.

Oh, Mike is also my batchmate? That's surprising. I thought he came about earlier. Guess not knowing someone's past is different.

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