17. Meeting My Ungrateful Subordinates

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17. Meeting My Ungrateful Subordinates

Y/n sat on the roof and watched the current event before her very eyes.

Eren had clogged the gate and right now, Mikasa and Armin are trying to get him put but the boy was stuck on the body and two titans were approaching the little trio.

"Ma'am... s-shouldn't we help my classmates?" Marco asked worried as he looked at the group being surrounded.

"We should? Is there a problem with them?" She hummed with wonder.

Marco looked at her in disbelief. His eyes trailing towards trio who is currently being surrounded by two giants and then to this impassive woman who thinks that there is nothing wrong to this scenario.

"Ma'am... my friends are about to get eaten." He told her slowly and carefully, making every words clear.

The girl shrugged. "They will not be eaten." Son, you were the unlucky child who faced that tragic end in half. You're even a viral meme because of it. Don't feel sorry for the main characters who'll make it through until the end season.

"But ma'am. We should at least help them. I- I don't think they're faring well!" The young man tried to convince. The two titans are now a few steps away from their food and Marco is obviously panicking.

"Huh... yeah... then I guess we should." Y/n hummed lazily, standing up with a sigh.

Levi will take care of that so Y/n wasn't really worried. But decided to kill one to refresh. She missed titan slaying so it's fine to interrupt a little. Hopefully, Levi dear wouldn't mind, would he? Or he'll probably be shocked to see her stealing his prey?

Y/n smiled in her head while thinking how that guy would actually react. The internet has been shipping them as a couple but Levi never really said anything. So the girl speculated that it's probably his guilty conscience that was spiraling in his mind which is why he often visited her sleeping body in the church.

As a friend, Y/n was touched as soon as memories flooded back to her and was very happy knowing Levi actually cared.

Preparing the swords, she tapped Marco's shoulder before jumping off the building and ran into the open area towards one of the titans. A few meter away, as soon as she was very close and unnoticed, her stare deepen, prepared the angle to shot her grappling hook to the nape and finally pulled herself up all with a swift and precise movement.

Her sword prepared in to the side, raised and ready. Her body twirled a few times in order to gain momentum and finally, sliced a large portion of the nape causing for the titan to stagger and fall forward.

Mikasa and Armin held the unconscious Eren as they watched two titans falling in front of them wide eyed.

Smoke hid the images but they can see the silhouette in the smokes. Two people standing at the titan's head firmly, swords on both hands were held securely and tight.

Soon, images began to appear.

On the man'sback, embraced in a cape that fluttered like a national flag. The mark patched belonged to the wings of freedom. While the other one wore the uniform, seemingly slightly bigger than hers. To its back, there is also a symbol which were roses in thorns that indicated that she belonged to garrison.

These two stared at each other for quite a while until the female decided to turn around towards the trio. "Is anyone injured?" She asked flatly.

The children blinked twice before shaking their heads to assure her that none was injured but are still in utter confusion.

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