03. When You Suddenly Became a Survivor

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03. When You Suddenly Became a Survivor

"Well... it still died." Y/n looked at the titan evaporating to existence with a blank stare. Her hair swept to her back by the hushing wind as she stood on the ground.

Watching it slowly disappear, Y/n turned around and rode the horse to join back with the formation speeding forward.

Erwin glanced at the young female before facing back on the way. "How's your side?" He asked.

"The titans still died, commander." She replied with a disappointed sigh.

"Well, shouldn't you be happy that it did?" He asked.

Y/n blinked twice. "Well, I am. But we couldn't get a sample to dissect." She explained.

"We'll get one... someday."

The girl grunted. "You keep saying that,  commander. For the past three years, we really didn't get to have one." She complained.

Running through the woods there was another titan sighting near the front as she quickly jumped off of her horse and zipped towards the fifteen meter, blade prepared and within a few seconds to spare, Y/n was already behind it managing to slice the nape with ease.

Three years passed by...

The more Y/n had to play pretend to be a titan fanatic, the more she became one... which isn't good considering how she threw up in their first expedition from too much anxiousness.

But as she grew used to killing giants--thanks to spoilers she knew what they actually are-- y/n calmed down a bit... from a bit it became to a confident survival... from confidence became a reckless future of Hange 2.0.

Y/n really put research to heart not caring anymore about life. But that doesn't mean she forgot her goal!

A lot of people had already died on her watch. As much as it hurt her that she couldn't save everyone, it's quite saddening since the only future deaths she could foretell are those who appeared in the show.

"Commander. I think we've gone a kilometer farther now than before." Y/n told him as she looked up at the trees.

Erwin nodded. "Let's put a mark on it." He said.

Y/n nods. Jumping off her horse again and now bringing out a flag from her storage pocket. A folded cloth unravelled into a wide banner of wings of freedom.

It flapped proudly in her hands as she traced the branch and tied it there. Y/n stood for a while and from her point of view,  she could see the sunset looming in the orange hues of the skies.

"I wonder how far the beach is..." she murmured, watching the sun hid in between the mountain tops.

When night arrived, the scouts finally set up camp. Y/n was assigned to the cooking as she did for the continuous two years since among them all, her cooking was greatly appreciated and the girl seemed to have a knack for it. And because of the lack of condiments in the area, Y/n... invented vinegar out of whim when she saw a stray sugarcane.

Thank you, my previous life's Youtube tutorials!

And as she also pondered around the area, she saw soya beans, it was accessible in the fields. But still became a luxury product since the supply don't last until the next harvest.

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