31. Nightmare

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Levi had a long unpleasant dream that short night.

Considering his insomnia isn't as worse as it was back then, he actually took the liberty to lie down and close his eyes.

But the moment he got into the dream state, he noticed a lot of familiar things around him. He was standing in the isle of an empty church, in front of him was that coffin filled with newly changed flowers. In there, the girl he can never forget lays dormant. Eyes closed and body never aged as if stuck in time.

The only reason they knew she was alive was because her breathing was stagnant, never slowing, never changing. 

Levi knew all too well the layout of the church from inside out. As an avid visitor for seven years, the changes even  a small crack in a small little corner would be noticed by him. 

He was in the very end of the isle, about a few meters away from the coffin the girl was in and as he walked forward, he noticed that his ankle hurt. He endured the pain and walked forward as if walking normally. Finally reaching  the end of the altar. 

Of course, the unforgettable person was there. Hanging on a thread between life and death, not knowing when the last breath will finally cut it's sense of existence in this world. Levi always feared the worse. 

He didn't believe in Gods, but whenever he was in this place, he pleaded in his heart and mind to have this girl open her eyes again. Then leaves in the battle field to kill off the enemies that might threaten her one day.

The scene changed. Inside wall Sina, the appearance of the female Titan came to his line of sight. He was standing with Erwin who was surrounded by the Military police, guns pointed at them. Upon moving his leg he felt his ankle felt pain once more from the pressure. Then he heard his own voice involuntarily saying. "I may be injured, but it doesn't mean I can't pull out a gun." 

Injured? Levi thought why was he injured?

In the momentary silence, Levi heard a loud roar. Familiarly loud which belonged to the young man, Eren Jeager. 

As if watching a theater in a first row seat, he could see everything that's going on. The titan Eren started attacking the female titan. The two wrestled and chased, punched and kicked. The small part of Wall Sina becoming their battlefield.

Levi blinked and notice this particular path. He had walked this way thousands of times now. He followed this path and he knew where to go even with blindfolds on. Because this place... Is where Y/n's dormant body was sleeping vulnerably.

His pupils shook as he tried to move. But his body felt like a heavy rock, cemented in place and his mouth paralyzed. He could only follow with his eyes. His heart racing fast. 

No! Don't go there! 

The church was there. The two giants followed through the road chasing and being chased. The menacing roars, windows shattering, buildings being wrecked. 

His heart was raising faster and faster.

In an instant, Levi's scenery changed again. He could hear choirs singing. The priest was preaching as believers closed their eyes to pray intently. They were unaware that any second now, they would be lying corpses.

Levi still couldn't move as he stood in the center of it. He wanted to speak so much but he really can't. Something was stopping him.

Until it happened.

From above the ceiling, the back of the female titan fell. Large debris rained unto the church's interior burying almost all of the people. Some survived and some really didn't make it. As if the restrains were gone, Levi's body became heavy. He fell on his knees in disbelief as the coffin in front of him had been entirely crushed with no chance of saving. What's more was that, the largest rubble had completely fell there as if God was mocking his hope.

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