16. Just Came Back and Saved Someone Already

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16. Just Came Back and Saved Someone Already


Bright E/c eyes opened in the midst of illusions. Her expression came like she had a wave of nightmare behind.

The first thing she saw was a white ceiling, the first scent she smelled were of the sweet fragrant of roses, the first thing her skin touched were soft buds of petals and the first thing she thought was assess what was going on.

Her heart was pulsing rapidly. As if it had stop circulating at one time and then suddenly began distributing blood after the veins dried.

She was thirsty. Her throat was dry. Her tongue feels numb and her body also feels paralyzed at some point so she remained unmoved.

Later on, with blood, successfully pumping through her dead veins, her fingers began to twitch. Soon her toes as well then the joints began to move carefully.

The girl on the altar slowly rose up. Her eyes scanned the empty view of the church like place. She looked at her hand feeling the veins oddly. Her body trembled with incredible shock as soon as her head began to hurt.

She closed her eyes. Flashes of memories started flooding in her head. A twelve year old noble, running away from home, joing the training regiment,  recruited as scouting legion, titans and more.

As if every door opened at the same time, or a gift wrap untangling its ribbons, the memories piled and revealed.


She was speechless.

She felt an incredible goosebumps on the last day she thought she died.

The memories felt natural. As if she relived it before and it seems that she stood correct! The past six years, she was transmigrated in Y/n Callenreese's body, as a result, her physical body as Y/n L/n was asleep for six years as well.

No wonder her memories about the anime was different from the current one. There was supposedly no saintess because Y/n Callenreese did not and was never once mentioned in the manga.

She inhaled sharply.

The missing part of her, that missing piece that she wanted to know so badly was actually this one--in this fucking dimention! Why she was so confident in the military back in her world... it's because of this! Why her temperament changed into a nonchalant snob was also because she adapted to this body.

After realizing all that, Y/n somehow felt relieved. She didn't die yet, she can change the future again and won't make anyone blame themselves for her tragic end anymore!

Finally getting herself a firm foothold, Y/n got off the coffin she was in, but ended up on the ground feeling her weak knees.

What day is it? What year is it?!

Her heart rang with alarm.

In the story, Y/n Callenreese died after the discovery of Annie being a titan. Since she woke up now and the church still looked fine, then that means, it didn't happen yet!

Urging her body to move, the girl staggered in the carpetted isle like a zombie. She held on both ends of the chair, supporting her body strongly.

Save You (Levi Ackerman X Reader!transmigrator)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang