Chapter 25: Royal fight

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Me and James were at the throne room when the doors slammed open. We looked at the door and saw our Father looking exhausted as ever. Me and James looked at each other then rused towards our father.

You: Father are you okay?

He smiled and me and pat my head.

Father: I'm fine, my dear.

James sighed as he helped father towards his throne.

Father: Thank you, my boy.

James smiled as he went and stood beside me.

Father: Now, I'm guessing that you're both wondering on why i came back early, am i correct?

Me and James nodded. Father sighed and glared at the both of us.

Father: Well, I've got some news that you both did something very stupid. Is that true?

We looked at Father with confusion while he rubbed his temples, continuing to glare at us.

You: wait, what? What do you mean Father?

He glared at me while i stood there dumbfounded.

Father: don't act all so innocent Y/N! You know what I'm talking about!

We both looked at each other with confusion then looked back at Father.

James: Father, what could have we possibly done? For all i know, me and my little sis were only here in the palace doing our duties.

Father let out a deep sigh as he stood up and threw some papers infront of us. James looked at it confused while i picked it up and read it.

You: Wait, what?! Since when did we even go to the underground?!

James looked at me confused as i gave him the papers. He started to read it and his eyes widened.

James: Is this a joke?! We didn't even leave the palace!

Father looked at us hesitantly as we both continued to look at the papers.

You: Wait, the MP'S? Don't tell me they did this?

I said as i looked at Father. He nodded as James suddenly crumpled the paper.

James: That's it! I've had it with you! You always believe the MP's more than us! We're your children, Father!

I sighed as i rubbed James back and glared at Father.

You: Father, are you sure that this is concrete proof? Look at the bottom of the papers, this isn't approved by the court and you can clearly tell that it's not even true. Me and James were here in the palace doing our duties. The only time we leave the palace is when we go to the survey corps to meet Levi and Sasha.

James glared at Father as he suddenly pulled me towards him and got the papers.

James: If you won't believe me and my sister then it's best if we leave. We'll be staying in the Survey corps for a week.

He snapped his fingers as our maids hurriedly went to our room to pack our stuff. Me and James looked at Father one last time and saw that his eyes are begging us to stay but of course, us being the stubborn people we are, we just brushed it off and went to the carriage. The maids bowed at us as we dissmised them. We both got in as James laid his head on my shoulder.

James: Why does Father always believe the MP'S even after the incident.

I sighed as i pat James' head.

You: don't worry, he'll come back to his senses when we come back next week.

He sighed as he crossed his hands over his chest while he closed his eyes.

James: let's hope so.

As he said that he started to sleep. I kissed his forehead and let him cool off.
A couple of minutes later, we both arrived. I woke him up as we both got out of the carriage.

You: well, I'll see you later in the mess hall.

James nodded as we both went our seperate ways. I went to Levi's office and opened the door. I went to his bedroom and put my bags in his room. I went out of the room and went to him. I kissed his cheek as he gave me a small smile.

Levi: Hey, what's wrong?

He asked worriedly as he made me sit on his lap. He started to play with my hair which made my stress go away.

You: Father and James got into a fight. That's the reason why we're staying here.

Levi raised an eyebrow gesturing for me to continue.

You: The MP'S told Father that we went to the underground and did some illegal stuff. We tried to explain this to Father that we didn't even leave the palace but if we did leave then we'll just be here but of course, he doesn't believe us one bit.

I sighed as i laid my head on his chest. Levi stroked my hair as he gently kissed the top of my head.

Levi: I'm sure that they'll make up when you guys go back. But how long are you guys staying here?

He asked as he intertwined our fingers and kissed it.

You: For a week.

He nodded as he made me look at him and held my chin.

Levi: love, don't stress about this matter. They'll resolve this on their own.

I sighed and averted my gaze from him.

You: i know that but..

He sighed as he pulled me much more closer.

Levi: no buts. Now come on, let's go have a date, shall we?

Levi kissed my forehead, nose, eyes and lips as i giggled and gave him a warm smile.

Levi: there's that beautiful smile. Now lets go.

We both stood up as we made our way to Trost to have our date.

To be continued.

(Hey, sorry for not updating that much as i am busy with school and like, i sometimes don't get any story ideas so yeah lol anywho, hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you so much for the views and votes. Ily guys so much! Mwuah<3

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